It's still a glass box. Can we agree Toronto has explored this style enough ?

Yeah, i agree..i am not a big fan of boxes, but lately some of them havent been too bad. we just have to hope that the next wave or condo/office boom will include new technologies and also different designs and materials ( brick, stone,even precast ) and thus balance this amazing skyline.
Yeah, i agree..i am not a big fan of boxes, but lately some of them havent been too bad. we just have to hope that the next wave or condo/office boom will include new technologies and also different designs and materials ( brick, stone,even precast ) and thus balance this amazing skyline.

I disagree ... completely ... would you prefer a glass cylinder / trapezoid / other elaborate shape ? There's some merit there.
But to the general notion that we have enough glass period - I think we could with much much more - it plays beautifully with the precast / stone / marble like buildings that still dominates most of the downtown core (including all the office buildings).

It seems like we've had a lot of glass going up - which is true ... but a lot of these projects are spread out - if BA / Shagrila (mind my spelling) / Four seasons / throw in a bunch of condos here as well .. were all built in the same location - I agree, we would have had enough, but that's not the case at all!
I disagree ... completely ... would you prefer a glass cylinder / trapezoid / other elaborate shape ? There's some merit there.
But to the general notion that we have enough glass period - I think we could with much much more - it plays beautifully with the precast / stone / marble like buildings that still dominates most of the downtown core (including all the office buildings).
It seems like we've had a lot of glass going up - which is true ... but a lot of these projects are spread out - if BA / Shagrila (mind my spelling) / Four seasons / throw in a bunch of condos here as well .. were all built in the same location - I agree, we would have had enough, but that's not the case at all!

Have you been south of the railway tracks lately?
i don't see what all the excitement is about here. to my eyes it looks cheap, like any old suburban office tower, albeit taller.

I don't think it looks "cheap" but otherwise I would agree that I don't find this building very appealing, it is very "plain".
I don't think it looks "cheap" but otherwise I would agree that I don't find this building very appealing, it is very "plain".

"Plain" or 'clean, elegant and of the highest quality'. I agree with the earlier comment that despite all the recent developments we do not have a preponderance of glass buildings. And of those we have only 1 or 2 are of this quality. Do you prefer the Regency across the street (not that there's anything wrong with that...)
I noticed all the renderings of the big fountain are no longer on the website - was this taken out of the project?
Yeah look around, pretty boring designs except for Panorama.... if anything, Parade-2s 44 storey cylinder look will probably be the talk of this development.

I was referring to "but a lot of these projects are spread out - if BA / Shagrila (mind my spelling) / Four seasons / throw in a bunch of condos here as well .. were all built in the same location - I agree, we would have had enough, but that's not the case at all!"
I noticed all the renderings of the big fountain are no longer on the website - was this taken out of the project?

Fine by me. Fountains are too cliche. At 38 Avenue residents HATED the Granite Sofa visible from Yorkville. Obviously they wanted the fountain. But over time the Sofa grew on people. I think Four Seasons could consider something more original as well.
I still hate the sofa.... think it's awful....
I noticed all the renderings of the big fountain are no longer on the website - was this taken out of the project?

The fountain is still part of the plan.


