^^^ Thanks for that information. With regards to Shangri-La & Four Seasons, imo the difference between them is based on their design rather than quality, which is proportional.

I can't believe anyone would pay $1500 psf

If your basing that on the exterior appearance of a building alone, than you may have a point. Not sure if any condo in this city is really worth that much. However, while the exterior most certainly has a large impact on the price points there are of course many other factors that influence it - location, amenities, services, finishes, market conditions, etc. Likewise, I'm sure your well aware of the value (or at least perceived value) of the brand.
Bay-Adelaide is a very nice building. It's got great cladding/facade on the outside, and contemporary interiors. It's boring, boxy design doesn't bug me though, as it fits in perfectly with the skyline. (reminiscent of First Canadian Place as well).

Four Seasons is the "sexier" version of Bay Adelaide. With a slimmer design, and more sophisticated design (with a few setbacks and balconies)

Both have little fins at the top.

Though I'm neutral on which one is better. Though they share many common and different features, Both are entirely different towers in purpose, location, etc....

I agree but I'm not neutral, I think Four Seasons is much more dramatic than BA given it's slim profile and location. The glass on BA is great but it's kind of a stumpy looking building whereas Four Seasons really impresses when you look up and also observe what's happening with the podium.
The glass for Shangri-La & Four Seasons is from the same company (http://www.fnglass.com/). They are also doing 222 Jarvis, FCP and Union Station.

Hang on, you have to remember that glazing contracts often get split across multiple companies. Four Seasons' curtainwall is Ferguson, but Shangri-La's curtainwall is Far East supplied and Bass installed (Ferguson is just there doing the the spider-fitted wall where that white steel box is, and some other odds and ends). I'm not sure who supplied FCP, but I know it wasn't Ferguson because it's Bass installed, and Ferguson does their own installation. Union Station has three or four glass suppliers that I can think of (interior glazing, the big skylight, balustrade, washroom mirrors, etc).

And just to complicate things some more, Trump is the most direct comparison to Shangri-La, as both are Far East supplied and Bass installed. And if we're comparing hotels to offices, both the Ritz and Bay-Adelaide were supplied by Sota, tho the former was installed non-union and the latter was Bass again.

Edit: Just remembered, Sota is supplying the replacement curtainwall panels for FCP.
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^ Thanks for the additional info whatever. As a layperson looking over their website, one gets the impression they're doing all the glass for all the projects they list.
Yes, I looked at their website as well and it's laughably inaccurate. Don't take that as a reflection of the company, tho. Ferguson actually does good work (they tend to get a lot of the screwy custom work no one else can/will do), but whoever put that website together is an idiot.
Four Seasons = mediocre?

Wait, what?

Merely my layman's opinion yet I would have expected more design and material for the money. Not only that but the building really does not match the rendering. It seems the sum parts nowhere near approach the value of the whole. An exercise in Canadan premium brand exploitation no doubt.

Again my final judgement is reserved for the end product assuming I one day have the privilege of visiting an actual suite.
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Merely my layman's opinion yet I would have expected more design and material for the money. Not only that but the building really does not match the rendering. It seems the sum parts nowhere near approach the value of the whole. An exercise in Canadan premium brand exploitation no doubt.

That may be your opinion, but mine is that FS is my second favourite tower in the city, after Shangri-La. I don't think buildings need to be flashy to be great, I think subtle elegance and proportion are worth something too.
Again my final judgement is reserved for the end product assuming I one day have the privilege of visiting an actual suite.

What the heck are you waiting for! Get over and take a look at it, I'm willing to bet you'll be impressed.
As great as all of the contributions are for those who take the time to photograph, process and upload photos here the ultimate test is heading over, walking around to take it all in, see how it fits in with the area and viewing a building from different perspectives. Photographs can tell a good part of the story, but not the whole story.
Merely my layman's opinion yet I would have expected more design and material for the money. Not only that but the building really does not match the rendering. It seems the sum parts nowhere near approach the value of the whole. An exercise in Canadan premium brand exploitation no doubt.

Again my final judgement is reserved for the end product assuming I one day have the privilege of visiting an actual suite.

I agree. As we get close to completion it is clear that the final product will not match up with the renderings. In particular the fins are not as tall or as dramatic as shown in the renderings. Also it is doubtful we will see the FS signage on the fins. On the plus side - this tower turned out to be much taller than I expected.
why all of the sudden so much hate on Four Seasons????
IMO, it's a perfectly balanced buildings, as the exteriors match up with what you'd expect on the interiors... high quality all around.
It seems to be that the tower didn't turn out like the renderings suggested, which is a fair comment as the differences are pretty dramatic. So far it still looks great though, IMO.
I like the height but for a scraper that noticable and important i excpected a lot more in terms of design.... The glass is nice colour though
We are nearing the 4th season (Fall)?

I was thinking Winter was the first season. Thanks for clearing that up Urban Shocker.



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