Re: Yorkville construction

I talked to the demo guys while they were taking down the red brick
building on Bay and asked when they were going the tear down the
dealership building. They didn't know anything about it, so it could be a
while before the whole site is cleared.
Re: Yorkville construction

Why do I have a feeling that chunks of this biuilding are alreay pre-presold?
Re: Yorkville construction

i walked by the other night and there are still cars for sale in the dealership building. i don't think it's ready to come down any time soon. that would lead me to recklessly speculate that the sales centre will be built on the site of the building they just demolished.
Re: Yorkville construction

It wouldn't make sense to demolish the car dealership just yet, especially when the other half of the parking lot is still open. I think it can be assumed that the dealership will not get leveled until the actual construction takes place.
Re: Yorkville construction

^ And construction will probably not begin until next spring at the earliest (time to get construction contracts and working drawings and at least some sales through the fall, winter and spring).
Here is a nightime photo I scanned from a magazine. Sorry about the quality

Re: Yorkville construction

Hazelton completion is set for the spring. It is topped out now.

Indeed. The crane was removed earlier on today.
Re: Yorkville construction

Work on the sales centre has started today.
Re: Yorkville construction

Photos of the site and foundation for the sales center.


Re: Yorkville construction

The Bay Ford Lincoln car dealership is CLOSED!!! Can't wait until they demolish it.

The Four Seasons sales center is progressing. Steel framing being put up. I give it 6-8 weeks until complete.

Re: Yorkville construction

Please someone post pics of the dealership's demolition... I'll really enjoy that.
Re: Yorkville construction

It'll be almost as much fun watching the dealership coming down as it is
watching the BA stump coming down!!
When the dealership is demolished, watch closely for any traces of the old Yorkville Streetcar barn and tracks.
