OMG, I didn't realise that this project means the end of that hideous car dealership on Yorkville! Fantastic! Those landmark historic Yorkville buildings, the fire station and library, will finally receive the respect they deserve. The library now has a quaint park beside it thanks to the 18 Yorkville development and the fire station will no longer have that car dealership bunker looming over it. I'm thrilled... this could be the most exciting new development in the city.

Man, those renderings look so hot.
wow.. these are beautiful..
just wondering why is the city paying more attention to this project and showcasing it on their website more so than any other project going on in the city?
^ I get the sense that the planning dept. has a bit of a hard-on for this one...and for good reason, judging by the new renders.
Wow - the "Toronto Style" on steroids. Very, very nice.
It has a strange similarity, at least ideologically, to the Rotz-Carlton it seems - the lofty, transparent spaces. Indeed, this, along withe the variations in plane and texture, is increasingly the vernacular of our better buildings.
Bring it on!
The courtyard rendering eliminates a planned lowrise retail building on Yorkdale east of the hotel tower. It looks like the proposal is evolving...

It looks alright...I guess Im the only one not really blown away by it.
Any reason there aren't any views of the total project including the entire tower tops?
just a guess, it could be because the heights aren't set yet. i have an inside source who's adamant that the taller tower is 35 storeys, and that the other tower is 20 something. they could be mistaken, but they've seen the prints for both towers, and that's what they insist they saw
If their looking to lop off a few floors from the towers to more reasonable heights I would suggest that 30 floors might be a little outrageous. Why not propose the towers at 40 and 25 and than knock off 5 floors each, not 20 and 10.
