The 35 storey number may be the number of floors with condos - the other 20 would be hotel units. They could have easily saw those two numbers and misinterpreted them. They intend to go for the full height.

How long 'till the nimby's are out in full force?

my view! the traffic! it's too high and inhuman! the artists will leave! think of the children!
And the gentrification of Yorkville. Don't forget that.

And the loss of a Mr. Submarine (cheap eats to be replaced by high end, barely affordable sandwiches made with smelly cheeses).

Oh, the horror.
Where does the Bloor-Yorkville BIA stand on all of this? Do they ever tell the residents groups to go to hell? To take a pill? To go play with themselves? To shut the hell up? To eff off? To cool their jets? To take a flying leap?

Just asking.

This looks great! Finally, that miserable little strip will be gone AND we get a fine piece of architecture to boot! I want to attend any community meetings that take place to give my support for this project.
42 - There is actually a group from 18 Yorkville that are signing a petition IN FAVOUR of the development. Don't know how far it will go but hopefully it will help counteract the other NIMBYs.

Makes sense. 18 Yorkville owners should see the value of their units go up significantly with this project.
Henceforth, this area will be known as Clewes' Block.

The interesting story that will take years to play out is the re-development of the south side of Yorkville between Bay & Yonge. The North side will be exceptional with:

4 Seasons
Fire Station
18 Yorkville

But do you think the street can thrive with the south side's current blight? Who currently owns the strip mall on the south side?
But do you think the street can thrive with the south side's current blight? Who currently owns the strip mall on the south side?

The north side was a disaster just a few years ago... and will continue to be until the Four Seasons replaces the junk that's currently there. So who knows what the future will hold for the south side... anything can happen.
Yes, you're correct Interchange, I meant south side of Cumberland.
So, with that confirmed, I hate to say that the terrible truth is that there's no firm plan yet for redeveloping Cumberland Terrace. It's certainly ripe for it; that mall is miserable. Sitting at the crossing of 2 subway lines, one would think the owners would be clammoring to rebuild with residential, maybe a hotel, as well as better retail, maybe even new cinemas to replace the soon-to-be-closed Cumberland.
Well, as I remember, there was a replacement plan posted here once upon a time--for some sort of wretchedly overdecorated terrace condo thingy. Not like it was *better* than Cumberland Terrace, y'know.

As for CT; I probably uttered the first quasi-positive comment ever in referring to its "Disco Tex & The Sex-O-Lettes" aesthetic--at least in its prime (and still there, in ghostly form)...
A good reference, but perhaps too good for Cumberland Terrace? I'd say that it was aiming at the utopian flash of Logan's Run but ended up stuck somewhere around the back-room disco of Solid Gold.
