Pics taken today



Excellent updates/progress on the podium :). most of the steel seems to be in place and the "roof" or the podium looks super sharp! It'll be cool to see the same cladding on this part of the complex and how there will be continuity with the tower!. I find still find it hard to believe we'll be seeing a second tower soon :)
This is just coming in to view from up at Allen and Eg area from my 10th floor balc. I will try to get some shots from the roof of it at some point when its a little more evident; July or Aug..
Ye gods, it's big. Not just tall, but the massing of the ballrooms is eye-popping even by downtown standards. All the odder for a building that's at the far northern edge of the core, right at the point where Bay St. dissolves into low-rise mush.

I always thought that Bay needed to end with an oomph, with a striking tower to cap it off and enclose it, instead of that unfortunate little pomo clock tower that perches on top today.
We've done a lot of looking at this building from the outside: here is the new Four Seasons from Jesse Ketchum schoolyard at Bay and Davenport, where the parents association were dead set against the shadow the 55 storey tower would cast on their kids at recess, at least until a ton of section 37 money came their way:


The new Four Seasons has certainly been eye-catching, especially since the cladding has started to go on, so reflective, so blue when the sky is too... and there are those fins we love on the south side:


And since we haven't checked it out from above before, here it is from Panorama atop the Manulife Centre. It's 18 storeys tall now, but it looks small from here:


But where we really haven't seen it from yet... is inside, and we're going to do that starting on Monday. So please come back and check it out, because after we've strolled through the dramatic lobby spaces, and checked out the ballrooms, the pool and the spa, and watched a concrete pour on the roof, we're going to climb out onto this thing...


and you don't want to miss that.


Love the shot of this intersection. What an improvement over what was there before! It looks dense, sharp and sophisticated.
FREAKIN AWESOME STUFF GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... this tower really looks amazing from any angle! And now that tower 2 is picking up some pace, we'll have an idea of the things to come!
Wow, that glass is GORGEOUS!!!

You know what would be cool? If the fins on the South side lit up at night. Anybody else agree?
UrbanToronto was very pleased to be invited to tour Menkes' construction site of the new Four Seasons Hotel and Residences last week. We have lots of photos, so we'll be covering the tour in a multiple stages.

To start off, we might as well remind you of just what is being built. The first image here is the render you'll be most familiar with, showing the complex from the northwest. We'll be in the podium and climbing through the first 18 floors of the higher tower. The lower tower is still at ground level.


Here's the plan of the project from above, with towers in opposite corners, the podium with skylight and green roof in the northwest, and courtyard and park in the southeast:


The Yorkville Avenue entrance to the building will look like this;


but we're heading into the building where one day you will find the porte cochere, with drop off points for the residences and the hotel. Eventually it will look like this;


but right now, it looks like this:


When you get inside, you start to realize just how high the ceilings will be on the ground floor.


This area will connect the residential lobby to the hotel lobby:


A look at the residential lobby area, facing south towards Yorkville Avenue, from half a flight up:


When completed, this area will look like this (although from a different vantage point):


The hotel lobby will run east to west across the middle of the building. This view looks west towards Bay Street:


The lobby will feature mezzanine areas, and give access to retail at the northwest corner of the ground floor:


On the west side of the building a bar will extend south of the lobby along Bay. Above it will be the main restaurant.


Here's the bar area currently:


and here is how it will look when once open:


Work on the frame for the windows facing Bay Street is proceeding. The frontage currently looks like this:


with a detail of the frames the windows will attach to here:


When finished, the Bay Street frontage will look like this:


So that's it for the first floor: tomorrow, we'll take you up the construction hoist!

