these towers are beauties, though sometimes, their positioning is darn awkward (like in that pic ^^^), they're away from the main "downtown" core, in a very low-rise area, then on Bloor street you get these sorta "pockets" where you can very clearly see the towers, unobstructed, but very small/shrunk looking due to them being a fair distance away. i am having trouble getting my point across :p
According to Global news tonight, someone just paid $100,000 for a parking space in this complex.
How can that be? There's nothing special about the parking there. A spot in a neighboring building might sell for $20k.
I love that circular building!
It can stay, but all the other slabs around there can go :)

Yes, Vaseline Towers (the round building) must stay. That building is legendary. It was even once mentioned on Queer As Folk. lol Most of the rest can go but maybe I can make an exception for Manulife. I can't wait for the day that The Bay Centre comes tumbling down. That's # 1 on my hit list.
