A lawn sale that's a big waste of everyone's time because Rockport picked a pointless fight with a predictable result. The building will get knocked down to 6 stories.
Update of sorts


Hello everyone – hope you’re having a great Pan Am summer. The LCC has been active but unable to let you know all that we’ve been doing due to confidentiality issues. The short version is that the board members attended two mediation sessions with our lawyer at the OMB in July. It was not successful – that’s all we are at liberty to say, but we intend to continue to engage with the developer via both our lawyer and theirs. Because the mediation wasn’t successful our next step will be the hearing in January
wow that's a bit intense. This is hardly development to worry about. They really should raise money for something that would actually benefit or improve their community. . .
The Second Leslie to Coxwell Urban Design Guideline meeting is scheduled for Thursday October 8 at S.H. Armstrong.

At this meeting the City will present the their draft of the urban design guidelines reflecting community feedback from the meeting in April, and the Official Plan policies for Queen St. between Leslie and Coxwell. These are the guidelines that this section of Queen needs to have in place going forward for the many developments that are in the works.

BACKGROUND: In June 2014, City Council request the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York to assess the portion of Queen Street East between Leslie Street and Coxwell Avenue to determine whether either the existing Urban Design Guidelines for Queen Street East between Coxwell Avenue and Neville Park Boulevard or the (at that time) emerging Urban Design Guidelines for Queen Street in between Jimmie Simpson Park and Leslie Avenue, and associated Official Plan policies, should be extended to apply to the portion of Queen Street East between Leslie Street and Coxwell Avenue, and report back to Toronto and East York Community Council in 2015. The first meeting was on April 21, 2015

Community Workshop #2: October 8, 2015

Kelly JonesPlanner, Community Planning
City Hall, 19th Floor, East Tower
100 Queen Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2
Tel: 416-392-4293
Fax: 416-392-1330
Email: councillor_fletcher@toronto.ca

Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahonWard 32 – Beaches-East York
Tel: 416-392-1376
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Revised rendering from the new docs on the city site

Is that render in the project page new?

The residents of the current houses were moved out at the end of February and demolition is supposed to start next month
Does anyone have an idea how the OMB hearing went in January? I couldn't find any records.... seems they ruled in favour of the developer?
Is that render in the project page new?

The residents of the current houses were moved out at the end of February and demolition is supposed to start next month
It is new.

Posted in the Leslieville Facebook group

The brick and the balcony screens are quite nice on this. Looks like some other interesting materials on the facade too!

