I think you guys are over complicating things. It all comes down to who Fords want to stick it to (such as Patrick Brown with Peel Regional Chair position, and then Brampton's University), or which friend (read: partner) they want to hand out contracts to.
lol...or any riding that didn't vote Con...or did but could be considered a threat to the Glorious Infallible Leader.

In the event, the Cons are going to have to shid or get off the pot (literally and figuratively) very soon. We'll see what the Treasury Board has to say as soon as the executioner is finished his present tasks.
If I remember correctly, parts of RER will be revenue positive once electrified and taken to 15-min service. This would mean the government should proceed.

That is correct. But the Liberals wanted to do all or nothing. I expect that the PC's will look at a more incremental approach.

1. Electrified RER on certain lines (Lakeshore East and West).
2. Use the older trains from Lakeshore to increase service on the other lines.
3. When/if the passenger numbers show that 15 minute service off-peak is needed, then pick the next line to electrify.

The Liberal Field of Dreams plan was crazy. Imagine the future cost if the imaginary hockey stick growth patterns didn't happen.
That is correct. But the Liberals wanted to do all or nothing.
I dispute your other points, but won't go into detail now. Let's just accept your surmise as being correct: 'the Liberals wanted to do all or nothing.'. This would be the "Mother of all DBFOMs".

Can you reference or link information to the Cons wishing to do otherwise? I've already stated that they probably will, but not by DBFOMs as we know them, but much 'steeper' forms of privatization. For keeps. They call these "sell-offs"...and the Cons are definitely on-record as stating that many times. I've quoted them in a number of strings of late.

But of course, one 'rule' applies to the elites, and another to Northerners, for whom the Northlander can't be restored soon enough according to the election promises. But yet again, reality ruins everything the Cons touch. Or do I have it backwards? The Cons ruin every reality they touch...
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There are currently no open GO Construction RFPs or RFQs. They're all at various evaluation stages right now by Metrolinx or Infrastructure Ontario.
False. RFPs do not appear on the public merx page.
According to this link, the RFP for this project hasn't closed yet.
According to this link, the RFP for this project hasn't closed yet.

I'm not seeing a close date on that page. They've not picked a winner yet, but it takes a few months to go through submitted material (to ensure qualifications for work, etc.) for that step.
False. RFPs always appear on the MERX page, and nothing on the link you posted indicates that it is open.
Okay, I've never seen an RFP that was open only to pre-qualified bidders, posted on the public MERX page.
Perhaps there are other RFP's that are open to all (ie, those without RFQ preceding them).
The RFP is still open on this project. This is an IO AFP project and not run by Metrolinx Procurement. RFP Close is currently targeted for December 2019.
The RFP is still open on this project. This is an IO AFP project and not run by Metrolinx Procurement. RFP Close is currently targeted for December 2019.

Okay I settled this finally. I called IO, got transferred to the Ministry of the Attorney General, called IO back, and got an answer. I was wrong, the RFP is still open, and for some reason not posted on MERX. The closing date however is November 15th, 2018 for the RFP.
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Thanks! but it will still take some time to pick the winning bidder and I predict it will be announced early 2019. Regarding merx, RFPs that are open to a few prequalified teams will not show up on merx.
Thanks! but it will still take some time to pick the winning bidder and I predict it will be announced early 2019. Regarding merx, RFPs that are open to a few prequalified teams will not show up on merx.

That makes sense. I know VIA’s fleet renewal RFP was just issued to the RFQ qualifiers, so I guess same strategy here. And yes, I don’t think we will see a winner till 2019, but progress!
The RFP is still open on this project. This is an IO AFP project and not run by Metrolinx Procurement. RFP Close is currently targeted for December 2019.

Sorry meant December 2018 (definitely not November). It will likely get pushed once more. I suspect it will be Spring/Summer 2019 before construction starts.
^ What would the rationale for that be? The bidders need more time or the government hasn't decided yet if they are going to go through with this or they may change the scope?
