Just the nature of the RFP. Original RFP close was supposed to be July 2018. The RFP process just needs to run its course (bidder queries, commercial meetings, design meetings, etc.). I have not factored any political interference which could delay/cancel the project. The highest risk of cancellation is before Financial Close, it reduces significantly once construction begins (as penalties would need to be paid out to PCo parties) and these will easily be in 7/8 figure range.

After close, based on the IO parlance, is: FNP/PPN (First Notified Proponent / Preferred Proponent Negotiation), Commercial Close (document signing) followed by Financial Close (lending is released). Implementation (i.e. construction) begins from Financial Close.
Just the nature of the RFP. Original RFP close was supposed to be July 2018. The RFP process just needs to run its course (bidder queries, commercial meetings, design meetings, etc.). I have not factored any political interference which could delay/cancel the project. The highest risk of cancellation is before Financial Close, it reduces significantly once construction begins (as penalties would need to be paid out to PCo parties) and these will easily be in 7/8 figure range.

After close, based on the IO parlance, is: FNP/PPN (First Notified Proponent / Preferred Proponent Negotiation), Commercial Close (document signing) followed by Financial Close (lending is released). Implementation (i.e. construction) begins from Financial Close.
I'd assume the winning bidder would have to complete the design first, prior to starting construction. For a project this size, it would probably take a few months. I can't foresee construction starting earlier than August 2019. I hope I'm wrong though.
Just received by email.

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Davenport Diamond Grade Separation Enabling Works: February 4 - 8, 2019

Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is building a seamless, convenient and integrated transit network across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Metrolinx will transform the existing GO rail system to deliver a whole new rapid transit experience, giving customers more options to get you where you need to go.

Metrolinx will be removing 10 trees (the red dots in the image below) and some shrubs on the east side of the Barrie GO rail corridor between Wallace Avenue and Bloor Street West. Most of the vegetation to be removed is on our rail right-of-way; one tree is on the boundary line, and we’ve applied for a permit from the City of Toronto in order to remove it.


This work will enable construction on the Davenport Diamond Guideway, which is scheduled to begin later this year. We will be replanting trees and vegetation once the Guideway is completed in 2023.

This work is scheduled to occur on February 4-8, 2019 during regular construction hours (7am-7pm). The work could be rescheduled due to weather conditions.

You can expect moderate noise associated with removing trees and shrubs. If any lights are required to complete this work safely, they will be pointed away from households so that you’re not disturbed.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, and we’ll make every effort to minimize disruption as much as possible.


You can contact me any time:
Claire Yang, Community Relations and Issues Specialist
Tel: 416-202-7301 / E-mail: Claire.Yang@metrolinx.com
^I don't recall an announcement that the RFP for the Davenport project had been awarded.

Very interesting that out of the blue, they would state that the main work is beginning later this year. I doubt there will ever be a Ministerial photo op on this caper, but one would expect some sort of project announcement.

- Paul
^I don't recall an announcement that the RFP for the Davenport project had been awarded.

Very interesting that out of the blue, they would state that the main work is beginning later this year. I doubt there will ever be a Ministerial photo op on this caper, but one would expect some sort of project announcement.

- Paul
Different scale, but a similar thing happened with the Rutherford GO station project. I've noticed they started relocating hydro poles along Rutherford Rd prior to the announcement on the contract award. Sure enough, soon after, they announced it.
Looks like they've already selected the winning bidder here, and are working on the financial close now.
Davenport Diamond Grade Separation Enabling Works: February 4 - 8, 2019

Metrolinx, an agency of the Province of Ontario, is building a seamless, convenient and integrated transit network across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTHA). Metrolinx will transform the existing GO rail system to deliver a whole new rapid transit experience, giving customers more options to get you where you need to go.

Metrolinx will be removing 10 trees (the red dots in the image below) and some shrubs on the east side of the Barrie GO rail corridor between Wallace Avenue and Bloor Street West. Most of the vegetation to be removed is on our rail right-of-way; one tree is on the boundary line, and we’ve applied for a permit from the City of Toronto in order to remove it.

This work will enable construction on the Davenport Diamond Guideway, which is scheduled to begin later this year. We will be replanting trees and vegetation once the Guideway is completed in 2023.

This work is scheduled to occur on February 4-8, 2019 during regular construction hours (7am-7pm). The work could be rescheduled due to weather conditions.

You can expect moderate noise associated with removing trees and shrubs. If any lights are required to complete this work safely, they will be pointed away from households so that you’re not disturbed.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience, and we’ll make every effort to minimize disruption as much as possible.


You can contact me any time:
Claire Yang, Community Relations and Issues Specialist
Tel: 416-202-7301 / E-mail: Claire.Yang@metrolinx.com
^I don't recall an announcement that the RFP for the Davenport project had been awarded.

Very interesting that out of the blue, they would state that the main work is beginning later this year. I doubt there will ever be a Ministerial photo op on this caper, but one would expect some sort of project announcement.

- Paul

Yeah, I mean, Metrolinx can say whatever it wants in its updates, but if this thing isn't in the province's spring budget, then it ain't happening.
^I don't recall an announcement that the RFP for the Davenport project had been awarded.

Very interesting that out of the blue, they would state that the main work is beginning later this year. I doubt there will ever be a Ministerial photo op on this caper, but one would expect some sort of project announcement.

- Paul

RFP closed November 15th (found out by calling IO). Winner announcement should be imminent .
^ Interesting that they list the RFP date of Feb 28, 2018. I assume that's when it opened? They should add the "close" date. I assume "closed" means that's when the bids were due?
^Infrastructure Ontario doesn’t list close dates, but sites like merx and biddingo do - up until closing, then they delete the file. Lesson learned - make note of the closing date when the RFP goes out.

Various press reports, which probably used the same Feb 2018 press release as source, all spoke to the successful bidder being chosen by late 2018. I suppose with the change in government, a small delay is inevitable.

- Paul
I find this hugely exciting, once this is done how much of the Barrie Line will be double tracked? Great to see these fundamental RER projects pushing through!

Well, there’s the thing...... there is another procurement for doubletracking from Aurora to Tecumseh Street, which completed the RFQ stage but never was issued as an RFP...... and another subsequent tender call for doubletracking from MP 1.9 to MP 12.6 only which hasn’t gone anywhere. So while the Davenport initiative enables some things, if these other procurements don’t happen, there won’t be much value gained, nor will headways be reduced.

And, remember that the TPAP approval for the Davenport overpass set a limit on the number of diesel trains per day, which basically equates to hourly service. At the time, electrification was assumed to be imminent. Either the new government sidesteps that commitment, or overrides the EA, or the additional service again won’t happen.

So far, I don’t see much sense of urgency in any of this.

- Paul
