Will the old railway bridge over Bloor be removed or repurposed for the north-south multi-use trail that connects the Davenport Diamond Greenway to the West Toronto Railpath?
Will the old railway bridge over Bloor be removed or repurposed for the north-south multi-use trail that connects the Davenport Diamond Greenway to the West Toronto Railpath?

With the first new track in service, the old bridge will be replaced and used for the second rail track.

- Paul
Ok, originally I thought that but somewhere along the line I saw something that led me to believe that there was space for three tracks in this corridor and that the new bridge over Bloor could handle two already. Will the second bridge handle both a track and the pathway?
An update photo, taken today, Sunday (April 2).

Pardon my ignorance, but is emergency egress and evacuation simply a long walk or are there emergency exit/fire-EMS access points? That crew looks to be working on a hatch or opeing, but it looks like it will be right where the second track will eventually go (maybe it's perspective and it falls between them.

I assume Toronto Fire and EMS will need some training time as well.
i know there’s at least one staircase along the viaduct for emergency exits, there might be more
Ok, originally I thought that but somewhere along the line I saw something that led me to believe that there was space for three tracks in this corridor and that the new bridge over Bloor could handle two already. Will the second bridge handle both a track and the pathway?

The corridor is theoretically three tracks wide, but only if another set of flyover spans were added. Very early drawings showed a flyway that was three tracks wide, but only as a concept.

I don’t expect that will ever happen as that would displace or cover over the pathway, and add another set of pillars.

- Paul
i know there’s at least one staircase along the viaduct for emergency exits, there might be more

The project presentation materials, since removed from the ML web site, showed a staircase and utility structure at Antler St.

I can’t find a me tion of any other staircase in the materials I saved from past communications.

- Paul
An update photo, taken today, Sunday (April 2).

View attachment 466024
Why not build in switches from the get-go and make the transition pictured here a potential crossover track in the future? Doing that now would have avoided having to temporarily close the tracks in the future to complete the double tracking in this area.

Why not build in switches from the get-go and make the transition pictured here a potential crossover track in the future? Doing that now would have avoided having to temporarily close the tracks in the future to complete the double tracking in this area.

The corridor will have to be upgraded to 2 track at a later date once the Bloor Station is built, the 2nd track bridge in place but most of all, the 2nd track for the whole line. Having a switch install now will require block signals tie into dispatch centre at a unnecessary cost when the current line is single track in the first place. I expect switches and block signals will be around Lansdowne and leave it to other in the know as to location.

The thought of having a switch tie into the old track and new track will not fly for CP as it offer a chance of disrupt to its mainline service as well having an impact on GO service as in the past. Its not one switch, but 2 using the old line.

Extra cost with no increase to service is not good use of money.
It’s always difficult to judge from long-lens shots, but to my eye the new track is not in its final alignment, and may be shifted further once the full width of the ramp is completed. Adding switches now might only complicate the task, and if crossovers are not required at this location for the longer term - why bother? Switches wear faster than straight rail, so there’s added wear and tear and added maintenance.

- Paul
It’s always difficult to judge from long-lens shots, but to my eye the new track is not in its final alignment, and may be shifted further once the full width of the ramp is completed. Adding switches now might only complicate the task, and if crossovers are not required at this location for the longer term - why bother? Switches wear faster than straight rail, so there’s added wear and tear and added maintenance.

- Paul
And added noise.
Just got this flyer last night at a local community meeting, and have posted it to our neighbourhood website. Steve Munro has also posted it.

Looks like GO is hoping to do another grade separation at the Davenport Diamond, which is where the Newmarket sub (Barrie GO) crosses the CPR tracks near Dupont and Lansdowne (just east of the West Toronto Diamond, currently being grade-separated).

First public open house is on Wednesday April 22, 5:30-8:30pm at St. Josephat's, 55 Pelham St.


And @vic wins the UT prize of starting this thread and 14 years later getting the first picture of a train using the Overpass (see his post above this one). Congrats Vic!
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