Hoarding is starting to go up on the Grid site and Enbridge was on site Wednesday afternoon to cut the gas connection.



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I wonder how long this property will sit empty before construction starts. Have they even done any sales?
Was that not a protected historic property or soon to be? Is that why they tore it down so fast, like at 1 Bloor West?
They didn't even take the air conditioner out of the window. It's not like that's difficult to do.
I wonder how long this property will sit empty before construction starts. Have they even done any sales?
Pretty sure they were able to carry their sales from the original version of the building over to the revised version.

ProGreen had a GFL watering truck parked outside this morning as demolition continued. I'll take credit for that.

(Are ProGreen Demolition and Green For Life owned by the same people?)
