^ I don't think there is an MZO equivalent for transit projects. I guess they could just pass legislation to specifically make it happen, just like they did for the City of Toronto elections and the Building Transit Faster Act? I don't think Doug would go that far for this project.
If someone offered to build me a house. It would be built in my city but I didn’t have any say in how it was built. Guess what I would take the free house and worry about how much it costs to heat and air condition later.
That report appears to be strictly transit revenue/expenses.

The number of developments proposed in that corridor (new property tax revenue) ought to leave Hamilton in a favourable position after 10 years. Revenue from multi-unit buildings is often significantly higher than their direct costs (snow clearing, etc.)
This is all just theatrics on the part of council to make it appear that they're doing their due diligence and looking out for the interests of local tax payers. Ultimately they will majority approve the LRT and we can move past the bullshit.
Here's hoping.

I still expect a majority here, but it may be close.

There will likely be 15 votes recorded tomorrow (one councillor is on long term sick leave), so 8 to majority. By my count 4 councillors & the Mayor are very vocal supporters of the LRT, so that will be 5 votes right there.

All that is needed is three more councillors to support it. We know the three Stoney Creek councillors will oppose, plus the Waterdown councillor, so we need 3 out of the remaining 6 councillors to support.

I think it will happen, but it will likely be an 8-7 or 9-6 vote.
Here's hoping.

I still expect a majority here, but it may be close.

There will likely be 15 votes recorded tomorrow (one councillor is on long term sick leave), so 8 to majority. By my count 4 councillors & the Mayor are very vocal supporters of the LRT, so that will be 5 votes right there.

All that is needed is three more councillors to support it. We know the three Stoney Creek councillors will oppose, plus the Waterdown councillor, so we need 3 out of the remaining 6 councillors to support.

I think it will happen, but it will likely be an 8-7 or 9-6 vote.

Consider also that the vast sum of money for the project is being offered by traditionally adversarial political parties at two different levels of senior government. The fact that they are both aligned in support of the LRT makes it that much more politically distasteful to vote against for local councilors.
Consider also that the vast sum of money for the project is being offered by traditionally adversarial political parties at two different levels of senior government. The fact that they are both aligned in support of the LRT makes it that much more politically distasteful to vote against for local councilors.

Indeed. They can kiss all future investment away if they vote this down.
