Developer: Hospital for Sick Children
Architect: B+H Architects
Address: 175 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Canada
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional (Health Care)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 325 ft / 99.06 mStoreys: 22 storeys
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Silly question time: Where will they house the patients when they nuke those wings? That seems to be a really big chunk of the hospital they're removing in a ten year timeline.
Silly question time: Where will they house the patients when they nuke those wings? That seems to be a really big chunk of the hospital they're removing in a ten year timeline.

The oldest wings on the University side of the site do not house any patients.

They once held researchers (mostly relocated to the Sick Kids research tower, but some to other sites) and Administration and Support services, which are being relocated to the building that is the subject of this thread.

So they should be mostly empty, in the next few months, though I'm sure there are some things that will need to be shifted around pre-demo.

The Elm facing wing is being retained for the next bit, as I understand it, though will see extensive renos.
I for one will he excited to see a newru

Improved sick kids. I usually do a Run or two a year IN HeT HONOR. NOT 2022 sadly health problems took me out this time 2023 I will be back
The oldest wings on the University side of the site do not house any patients.

They once held researchers (mostly relocated to the Sick Kids research tower, but some to other sites) and Administration and Support services, which are being relocated to the building that is the subject of this thread.

So they should be mostly empty, in the next few months, though I'm sure there are some things that will need to be shifted around pre-demo.

The Elm facing wing is being retained for the next bit, as I understand it, though will see extensive renos.

Last time I was inside before the pandemic, there were still a lot of outpatient clinics in the University and Gerrard wings, mostly on the lower (Service) level, Ground floor, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors.

I suspect those will move to the Elm Wing (which itself has many clinics and outpatient diagnostic and procedure areas) as the hospital reorganizes prior to decommissioning and demolition of the Gerrard and University wings.
I noted some timelines for the broader Project Horizon (total Sick Kids rebuild) in the latest IO Market Report.

In so doing, I went back to have a look the project info on the Sick Kids website to see how it matches up and then back at this thread.

So, I'll post the info first, then I have a couple of questions.

View attachment 440402
View attachment 440404


I hadn't realized how far off into the future the final build was..........

At any rate, Project Horizon has 2 steps after the current building, the next of which is this:

View attachment 440405

Has this, to anyone's knowledge already been tendered? I would rather hope the description above for IO does not indicate that this component is that delayed.

I'm assuming (hoping) the IO timeline is for the final leg of the project, below:

View attachment 440408

That said, if it is, then then the intermediate project should probably have its own thread, unless we're bundling those items here.
ground realm and podium of the future phases looks like it will turn out looking rather monolithic and sterile....very Toronto
This one is overdue for an update, Photos taken March 20th, 2023:

Of note here, lots and lots of yellow soffits which add some real colour closer to grade. The yellow here, on the outside of the building is an interesting counterpoint to the use of yellow inside the courts, as seen @ADRM 's recent photo montage in that thread. Both projects to me show a good use of this colour; with it bringing warmth to otherwise 'cool' architecture; yet staying just shy of being overbearing.









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