Developer: Hospital for Sick Children
Architect: B+H Architects
Address: 175 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Canada
Category: Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional (Health Care)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 325 ft / 99.06 mStoreys: 22 storeys
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No big updates w/the building at substantial completion, nonetheless, a visual record of the finishing efforts as the streetscape begins go in, etc.

Photos taken July 19th, 2023:




And one from the south-west, at a distance, for good measure:
Sick Kids' new buildings are getting a lot of well-deserved attention. The architecture is wonderful. But the 1990s expansion designed by Eberhard Zeidler doesn't seem to get much attention anymore. That's too bad because the quality of its architecture is stunning:



It's arguably the most impressive atrium in the city. The glass-faced stairs and elevators, the vintage aviation-style corridor lighting, the massive clock, the tasteful use of colour, and the many differentiated facades rising above a piazza-like space make for a wonderful architectural experience.

Zeidler apparently had a lot of creative freedom and a healthy budget. The end result continues to shine to this day. I hope Sick Kids plans to keep maintaining it in great condition for generations.
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