Insider to design Ex hotel

Rocco Maragna helped approve $100M Exhibition Place project. Now he's been hired by builders

A long-time member of the Exhibition Place board of governors has been awarded the contract to design a $100 million hotel that he helped approve.


They hired him because he has experience designing a high school? lol Is that crazy or what! I can't believe this is how business is done at the CNE. This is so wrong. This guy seems to have next to no experience as an architect, so why was he hired? Sorry but this sounds like total corruption to me. If this is legal in Ontario, we need to change some laws right away. This deal sticks to high hell!
I can't believe this is how business is done at the CNE. This is so wrong. This guy seems to have next to no experience as an architect, so why was he hired? Sorry but this sounds like total corruption to me. If this is legal in Ontario, we need to change some laws right away. This deal sticks to high hell!

Thats because the City of Toronto and the Province of Ontario in the last couple of years have chosen to adapt an Italian style government.:D
not sure how this indicates corruption in the city.

he was on the board....yes

he is an architect.....yes

through is position on the board he met the people who are going to build the hotel....yes

they did not have a local architect so they hired him....yes

he then quit the board....yes

unless the premise is that his being on the board was masterplan/conspiracy to get this gig and that, somehow, the other board members were complicit in the plan and picked the winner based on whether or not they would hire this guy.....seems a bit far fetched to me.

if volunteering to any public board meant that professional people had to swear an oath that they would never in the future work for someone that does business with the city, then I hate to think of what the composition of future boards would be.

did he benefit from being on the board....likely

is that corruption......I don't think so.
agree with TOareafan....he declared conflict of interest, and resigned...that hardly seems a case of 'corruption'...
They hired him because he has experience designing a high school? lol Is that crazy or what! I can't believe this is how business is done at the CNE. This is so wrong. This guy seems to have next to no experience as an architect, so why was he hired? Sorry but this sounds like total corruption to me. If this is legal in Ontario, we need to change some laws right away. This deal sticks to high hell!

I couldn't agree more! His incredible design notwithstanding, we should hire a dream-team of Kirkor, Bigazz-kazz and E.I. Richmond to do something with a pastiche, ersatz, 'internment-camp-by-the-beach' flavor.
Does anyone understand how they've already pegged the cost at $100Million, before the hotel has even been designed.

From my understanding of a few hotel projects in the GTA, $330,000 a key is just an insane amount to pay for a room! (from my understanding this is exclusively a hotel, not a condo-hotel mix)

(for example the aloft/element, approx 330 keys was going to cost approx $50million or about $150,000/key, I dont know the sq/ft costs off hand but they were very reasonable)

Is there something I'm missing here? At the end of the day a hotel is a concrete box, and the main expenses is how lavishly, or not, the rooms are decorated. The public areas are usually a small component of the cost. (allowing for some reasonable banquet space)
Truth be told, if the design were of Kirkor, etc., quality, then I would want to scrutinize much more thoroughly the events that brought this project to this point. I have been a bit of a champion of this project since I first saw it, as I believe that we are getting a worthy and notable design which strikes just the right tone for Exhibition Place - it has monumentality without being overwhelming, it is playful without being garish, it is clean and modern while still being detailed and while paying respect to the past - so others might see me as too easily being inclined to accept Councillor Pantalone's version of the events here. For the purposes of full disclosure, I also must declare that I introduced myself to Mr. Maragna after seeing the impressive presentation boards, and we have since had some friendly discussions.

Torontovibe's quick dismissal of Rocco Maragna with "They hired him because he has experience designing a high school? lol Is that crazy or what!" is completely disingenuous and unfair, unless of course Torontovibe did not read the entire Toronto Star article, in which case he is guilty of being the typical crazy who jumps up at meetings screaming about something he hasn't bothered to fully understand.

TOAreaFan's assessment of the process seems reasonable to me, but I would like to add some of my own thoughts regarding what is going on here.

In the Star article, Rocco Maragna is quoted regarding HK Hotels owner Henry Kallan saying "He said he finally realized that time was of the essence. He said he didn't know any architects here and asked me if I would like to design the hotel", and the article goes on to detail the approval process for the project at Exhibition Place, and Mr. Maragna's resignation from the board. There are a couple of things that the article doesn't really say though, and there is a bit of a slant that looks fishy to me.

First: The Star's title for the article, Insider wins $100M contract, is meant to be sensational, but unsurprisingly it is misleading. Mr. Maragna will take home a tiny fraction of the total cost of the project $100M. His small office here has attached itself to the bigger, respected, (but still small) gh3, and they will make a small percentage of what will mostly be spent on the construction.

Second: A hotel project here would be going ahead whether Rocco Maragna were attached to it or not, and whether or not he had "helped approve it" at earlier stages of the plan: the whole Board of Governors wants a hotel here. The Star article seems to intimate that this was all Joe Pantalone's scheming to get a friend a job, but the reality is that with the large conference and trade show venues on the ExPlace grounds, the complex badly needs a hotel with all of its attendant facilities onsite to make the entire complex more attractive to prospective exhibitors... and everyone running the joint knows it.

Third: Henry Kallan did not create a company that runs 4 luxury boutique hotels in Manhattan by being a fool. He could have asked anyone to design a hotel for him here, and more specifically he could have let Maragna go if he weren't impressed with the design.

Fourth: If any Exhibition Place Board of Governors members were not happy with the situation, it could have come up at the public meeting that I attended where the project was approved. It did not appear that there was any dissension, nor did Joe Pantalone appear to be pulling anyone's strings. Several dozen members of the public were in attendance, and any concerns raised, were raised by the public, and were pertaining to entirely different aspects of the project.

I think The Star is attempting to manufacture a scandal here to sell a few papers, where there aren't quite enough ingredients to whip one up.

I think The Star is attempting to manufacture a scandal here to sell a few papers, where there aren't quite enough ingredients to whip one up.


The Star? Really? Not the Star?....this is par for the course for the Star and should shock no one. The only thing this article has the potential to do is create the illusion of scandal which would allow any folks that want to delay/derail this project (are there any?) the amunition to do so....which is a shame.

A private company wants to build a hotel at the Ex which will further the great work that is going on down there (slowly but surely it is becoming an integral part of the city) and it could get sidetracked because they met their architect through his position on the board of the Ex....shame on the Star if this hurts this project!!!
The only thing this article has the potential to do is create the illusion of scandal which would allow any folks that want to delay/derail this project (are there any?) the amunition to do so....which is a shame.

Delay/derail......I hope not, but here again is some more crap from todays Toronto Star.:eek:

City paid for N.Y. hotel tour by key players in Ex deal

City taxpayers paid $4,300 for Exhibition Place board member Rocco Maragna and chair Joe Pantalone to visit New York and tour four HK Hotels last December.

Geez, a 4 day trip for 2 to NYC and they've ONLY expensed 4K? That whiff of corruption indeed. Ditto the rest of the expenses listed. The only issue to me IMO is whether these trips and expenses provided positive benefits to the city.

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If HK hotels paid for the trip, we would see the headline "Hotel that wins CNE contract pays for key players in Ex deal". There is no winning either way.
Thank you 42 for articulating what many of us with half a brain on the forum were thinking.

Torontovibe's nonsensical rant seems akin to the knee-jerk, jukebox of a woman who stood up at Jack Diamond and David Olive's talk last night and loudly decried all the "sixty story condo's which have blocked out the sky around her house..."
Thank god for journalists who, self-interested or not, are willing to shine the light on the activities of politicians etc., but do we really expect our representatives to pay their own expenses when travelling on city business?

That said, where there's smoke there tends to be fire and this whole affair still seems to lightly smoulder with a certain vague inappropriateness. Probably nothing but I'm glad for the scrutiny nonetheless.
Third: Henry Kallan did not create a company that runs 4 luxury boutique hotels in Manhattan by being a fool. He could have asked anyone to design a hotel for him here, and more specifically he could have let Maragna go if he weren't impressed with the design.

Oh I’m sure that Kallan is no fool. Yes, he could have asked anyone to design a hotel, so why didn’t he? Of the thousands of architects in New York and Toronto, why Maragna? Remember, we’re talking about a no-name architect who by his own admission hasn’t come within a 100 miles of a hotel job since the mid 1970s.

The naivete of some of the posters here is stunning: “Nope, not a whiff of corruption here, folks. Just move on, shut up and let these good folks build us a skyscraper.” Having witnessed the MFP scandal a few years ago, don’t you have any idea how this city works?

I’m not saying it proves anyone is guilty of wrongdoing, but at the very least, the Star articles raise some valid questions:

  • Does anyone believe that Rocco Maragna would have had a snowball’s chance of winning this commission if he wasn’t sitting on the CNE board? Did he win it because of his brilliance, his personality or for some other reason?
  • Would Maragna be sitting on the CNE Board, if he wasn’t Joe Pantalone’s friend?
  • Doesn’t anybody here have a problem with Pantalone refusing to release the details of the lease?

Yes, it is a “private” hotel, as Joe helpfully reminds us, but it will be sitting on an extremely valuable piece of public property. Don’t we have a right to know basic information such as the term and annual rent? We do about other city-owned properties.

Like all of you, I love seeing highrises go up, but not at any cost.
