There is talks that the southern end of the LRT for Port Credit will be underground starting before the Lakeshore Line bridge with PC Station underground and surface west of the Port Credit River on the Lakeshore. There will be a PC station.

Why would they consider putting it underground?
It's possible that someone has discovered a showstopper that makes this change desirable....but it's a pretty typical phenomenon in projects that, as the serious design work gets started, all sorts of creative ideas come out of the woodwork that weren't in the original concept. It takes disciplined project management to keep an iron grasp on the design so that the plan is adapted when it's desirable, but not allowing a bunch of nice-to-have's creep in. Any change in scope adds cost, so someone needs to ask the very hardnosed questions about why this wasn't identified back when the EA was done.

That's hard enough in a simple engineering/design environment - it's doubly hard when there are politicians in the room.

Otherwise, we end up with 'Department of National Defence' style procurement, and the cost overruns and delays start to add up.

- Paul
^likely not identified early on as the part that drum is talking about (ie. south of PC GO station to Lakeshore) was dropped from the initial project due to the same sort of issues that came up in Brampton heritage disruption, traffic disruption, etc.

So, when I read drum's post, I took it to be that they had re-openened discussions or future planning for the section that is not part of the initial project from PC to Steeles
So, when I read drum's post, I took it to be that they had re-openened discussions or future planning for the section that is not part of the initial project from PC to Steeles

Interesting. As with Brampton, there's nothing wrong with the City indicating things that they are prepared to pay for on their own dime to enhance the project. The caveat being - on their own dime.

I can see that traffic might be disrupted south of the GO station - left turn lanes are precious there, and LRT could complicate that. There are only 3 'heritage' houses on Hurontario south of the GO line - everything else is pretty recent construction, and there is already no onstreet parking. I would guess that the average voter out there thinks of LRT as something nice to add, but not something that might detract from auto the solution will need to be win-win.

- Paul
There is talks that the southern end of the LRT for Port Credit will be underground starting before the Lakeshore Line bridge with PC Station underground and surface west of the Port Credit River on the Lakeshore. There will be a PC station.

One hopes these folks realize that the City will have to pickup the extra cost for the tunnel as well doing some thing soon before the PC GO Station and area is design for the surface, not the tunnel.

At the same time, will have an extra cost for the eastern section as it will have to be underground with a T connection and surface somewhere to the east.

I am calling for this line to be built by 2030 going east.

This sounds like an additional project if they are trying to get across the river...are they trying to think ahead to a lakeshore east/west line? Obviously going all the way to long branch kinda makes sense - they would need to build a new loop there that can support both Metrolinx and TTC vehicles...going the other way also makes sense if you are going to try to connect to either Winston Churchill or Erin Mills...there is a lot of redevelopment potential along lakeshore in this area...

Tunnelling under the river seems a bit excessive though since they could probably just make the bridge wider...

The only thing I can think of is that there is a plan to replace some of the parking lots with bigger structures and they are concerned about traffic...or there is some issue with the current tunnel under the rail line.
Majority of Brampton residents disagree with council's decision regarding the LRT:
I think this shows you, to some level, how unreliable small sample polling is on issues that the public at large does not follow in great detail. A couple of weeks before the vote one of the pro-LRT groups commissioned a poll and 70% supported the LRT....a few weeks after the no vote the local paper commissioned a poll and 52% thought the city made the wrong call.
How are they going to design the transfer from GO/ MiWay buses to the LRT? I would imagine riders would be discouraged to walk down Rathburn Rd. W to get to Hurontario St.
How are they going to design the transfer from GO/ MiWay buses to the LRT? I would imagine riders would be discouraged to walk down Rathburn Rd. W to get to Hurontario St.
Transfers will be at Rathburn and Station Gate, where the GO and MiWay terminals currently are. The LRT stops there on its city centre loop.
Yes but every other LRV will go "express" straight down Hurontario, it will not go around the loop. There is nothing I've seen so far to facilitate a transfer between the Transitway buses and the express LRV.
Yes but every other LRV will go "express" straight down Hurontario, it will not go around the loop. There is nothing I've seen so far to facilitate a transfer between the Transitway buses and the express LRV.
You assume every 2 train is an express train and what does express Means?? This depends on the P3 operating contract that hasn't been drawn up or written yet.

Where do you put stations at Underpass & Overpass??
I put the quotes around it because I couldn't think of a better word, when I was reading some of the documentation for the project I remember that there would be 2 trains, one would go around the loop, the other would not I simply called this "express"
I was under the impression that all trains were going to take the loop....effectively creating two lines (north of Sq1 and south of Sq1) and passengers going straight through would transfer trains in the loop.....did I get that wrong or has it changed?
