That's my thought and what I was expecting to happen. Hopefully, they change it.
They also have an O symbol proposed.
They also have an O symbol proposed.
View attachment 295936
AFAIK that's not the actual symbol. Both the Hurontario and Hamilton LRT also have a 0 as the symbol shown. I think Metrolinx simply doesn't want to commit to confirming the Line number at this stage. Not to mention it says in the document that the name and number is subject to change.
AFAIK that's not the actual symbol. Both the Hurontario and Hamilton LRT also have a 0 as the symbol shown. I think Metrolinx simply doesn't want to commit to confirming the Line number at this stage. Not to mention it says in the document that the name and number is subject to change.
That's actually a graphic from a different document I believe that uses an O instead of a 0. I Still don't think they're going to use it or it was meant to show that they would but it's not the placeholder from the design document I'm pretty sure.
That's actually a graphic from a different document I believe that uses an O instead of a 0. I Still don't think they're going to use it or it was meant to show that they would but it's not the placeholder from the design document I'm pretty sure.
They shouldn't. Using Line 3's number makes the most sense. Nothing is final at this point however.
Stick with the TTC font...Why waste millions of dollars changing all the maps in the name of accessibility when additional elevators and ramps are much better for said accessibility?
I agree they should stick with the current fonts but I mean they need to change all the maps when they add elevators and ramps anyway...
I read some of the report but they did include the TTC font as an "alternative" font that would be used in the system, I also like the unique font so i was somewhat happy it was included

I found it interesting that Metrolinx is thinking about implementing a lettering system for the GO lines, similar to the Paris RER. It would be a letter on a coloured square on a black background, similar to the current subway/LRT signage.

I'm a little surprised how Metrolinx has yet to come up with a unified signage, symbols and names for the various BRT routes in the region and the more that will be built region.
I think the problem going forward is that how do we distinguish between the metrolinx design scheme and each city's own transit design scheme. Go lines currently are run by Metrolinx but now Metrolinx is pushing their design scheme onto every new line they're overseeing. This might be a good thing and a bad thing. Good reason is that it unifies the design language on their new projects, but bad reason is that now people are going to be confused on which lines are run by metrolinx, ttc, and every other agency. If we want to unify design language for all of GTA, we're going to have to put the "T" on every single station and stop in the GTA. It's not even helpful because there is no mega transit agency that takes the responsibility of every transit agency, heck, we don't even have fare integration yet.

What's the point of this. Metrolinx doesn't have integration at all, and just wants to do some thing because it looks cool on a paper and map, but just makes things more confusing.
I think the problem going forward is that how do we distinguish between the metrolinx design scheme and each city's own transit design scheme. Go lines currently are run by Metrolinx but now Metrolinx is pushing their design scheme onto every new line they're overseeing. This might be a good thing and a bad thing. Good reason is that it unifies the design language on their new projects, but bad reason is that now people are going to be confused on which lines are run by metrolinx, ttc, and every other agency. If we want to unify design language for all of GTA, we're going to have to put the "T" on every single station and stop in the GTA. It's not even helpful because there is no mega transit agency that takes the responsibility of every transit agency, heck, we don't even have fare integration yet.

What's the point of this. Metrolinx doesn't have integration at all, and just wants to do some thing because it looks cool on a paper and map, but just makes things more confusing.
First, the unified signage does differentiate transit agencies. 2nd, Metrolinx is working on fare integration, I think Metrolinx is quite well aware how important fare integration is to their plans, and stuff like GO Expansion and unified signage definitely wouldn't be pushed if they weren't working on fare integration.
2nd, Metrolinx is working on fare integration
Do you have any links/info about the work they’re doing? The only news I’m aware of are the TRBOT’s papers (thought pieces) and some bilateral working groups between operators.
