The bus terminal is just in such an awkward place.
But it's not.

If you think about what the plans were back in the 1980s and 1990s, there was going to be a busway that ran parallel and to the south to the 403 from the east and met with the bus terminal, before crossing underneath the highway and running alongside its north to the west. Putting the bus terminal on the north was the closest and easiest way for the busway to interface with all of the local buses.

Fast-forward 30 years, and sure, it may seem awkward now. But I'm also not convinced that putting the terminal on the east side against Hurontario would make things easier for all of the buses that are traveling to/from it that don't run on Hurontario.

But it's not.

If you think about what the plans were back in the 1980s and 1990s, there was going to be a busway that ran parallel and to the south to the 403 from the east and met with the bus terminal, before crossing underneath the highway and running alongside its north to the west. Putting the bus terminal on the north was the closest and easiest way for the busway to interface with all of the local buses.

Fast-forward 30 years, and sure, it may seem awkward now. But I'm also not convinced that putting the terminal on the east side against Hurontario would make things easier for all of the buses that are traveling to/from it that don't run on Hurontario.


The bus terminal is fine; relatively; its 'Downtown Mississauga' that's in the wrong place!

Some mistakes are hard to fix.
The bus terminal is fine; relatively; its 'Downtown Mississauga' that's in the wrong place!

Some mistakes are hard to fix.
You are saying a terminal that was built in the 90's to handle 25,000 riders a day for a city of 250,000 by 2000 is fine when it had to be expanded 10 years later for 50,000 riders in a city of 600,000???

In the wrong location for everything is correct.

Given the fact that the city is on course to see 1,2 million by 2045 with 150,000 riders at CCTT, the terminal is dead where it is today. Current model split is only 16% and if we move it to 24-30% by 2040, where do you put those riders at CCTT??

I honestly think they should have moved the bus terminal to Hurontario and Burnhamthorpe on the NW side, which is a huge parking lot. They would have had to expropriate that land, but whatever. Then keep the Hurontario LRT only on Hurontario, and build a Burnhamthorpe line for people west of Hurontario. Diverting the LRT through smaller streets is going to add a lot of travel time for people that don't need to go through the loop. It's going to cause more traffic and slow downs for transit and cars in that area for sure.
Welcome to my world of beating your head against a brick wall for the last 15+ years for not having the right size of terminal in the right location as the city wasn't willing to spend a few more dollars for the land back then. The same applies for the Hershey Centre that was to be over by Confederation and Rathburn that it ended up in car only land and still a bitch to get to using transit today.

I have call for a new terminal to handle 150,000 riders along with a underground terminal for GO and the BRT in the north- east corner of Sq One or on the land where the plaza is between City Centre and Hurontario. Provision would be made to allow the future extension if TTC Line 2 or a branch line off the Milton Line as either the end of the line or a bypass for the line. Various councilors were calling for a branch off the line coming from Milton to Sq One. Don't need 10-12 cars trains for this bypass when you can use 6 car EMU's/ Battery-powered trains. Mississauga wouldn't be the only city in NA to have trains go under the city with a station in it.

Hazel has stated a number of times before she past away that this was one of her many mistakes along with council not spending extra money to do things right from the start. She and council refused to build things until all the funds for them were in the bank account to build it as they weren't willing to carry any debit cost for it. The living Art Centre turn out to be not only a debit cost and a money pit until the city wrote the cost off after a few decades.

The loop will serve all the massive development on the west side of square one.
And will probably be the most used stops ont he line in the future
At what great cost to riders who are force to spend more extra travel time so a small group of residents get a short ride to Sq One?? The ridership will be a drop in the bucket compare to a number of stops currently on Hurontario today.

The old route 19 was seeing an 45/55 split at CCTT that was taking an extra 15-30 minute to go off route. Today, route 2/17 where doing the same thing until the 17 started to see longer headway where riders are now spending 20-35 minute extra travel time.

When the LRT goes into service in 2025, you will be back to the 15 minute off route extra travel time until the loop is built. Once the loop is built, you will be back to 25 minutes extra travel time.

Midtown Mississauga over the next 2 decades will see 10 time more people living on the LRT line with a good chunk wanting to get to either the Cooksville GO Station or Dundas BRT.. Those who are going to Cooksville GO Station will drive and not take the LRT due to the extra travel time unless there are trains bypassing the loop.

There been talks within the consortium for the LRT of splitting the line in 2 based on ridership that will bring us back to the current route 2/17 setup.

The only thing saving me and other riders who have no need for Sq one or CCTT is using the 103 that save us 13 minutes of travel time on Hurontario today,

If you want to use the Loop, run it as a loop only service with 10-15 minute headway base on the time of the day and the day of the week as a free service that take place in many cities in NA today.

But it's not.

If you think about what the plans were back in the 1980s and 1990s, there was going to be a busway that ran parallel and to the south to the 403 from the east and met with the bus terminal, before crossing underneath the highway and running alongside its north to the west. Putting the bus terminal on the north was the closest and easiest way for the busway to interface with all of the local buses.

Fast-forward 30 years, and sure, it may seem awkward now. But I'm also not convinced that putting the terminal on the east side against Hurontario would make things easier for all of the buses that are traveling to/from it that don't run on Hurontario.

The plans RT like the SRT where the province, not the city that never made sense back then to the point Hazel and council rejected the free system and never had any regrets doing so. The BRT only ended been partly built due lack of funding on the City side that there was to be a tunnel from the 403 to CCTT current lower level and a tunnel to the east side of Hurontario.

The tunnels were scrap in 2 phases starting with Hurontario as the city didn't have the $20 million to do it when construction started, Hazel would walk into chamber crying the blues or the cost of building Phase 1 from time to time and requested staff to cut corners to save money or find away to do things cheaper or a better way to what got built. Phase 2 & 3 were built by GO with only have of phase 2 been built due to cost and NIMBY groups.

The missing section of Phase 2 is supposed to be under review with the removal of a few stations as well how to get to the new north terminal underground including connecting to the east leg underground. A lot of things will depends on OMERS who own the lands in the first place as well $$$.
You are saying a terminal that was built in the 90's to handle 25,000 riders a day for a city of 250,000 by 2000 is fine when it had to be expanded 10 years later for 50,000 riders in a city of 600,000???

In the wrong location for everything is correct.

Given the fact that the city is on course to see 1,2 million by 2045 with 150,000 riders at CCTT, the terminal is dead where it is today. Current model split is only 16% and if we move it to 24-30% by 2040, where do you put those riders at CCTT??

Drum, you really seem to have trouble grasping humour.

IF you accepted the key point, that downtown Mississauga is in the wrong place, then the terminal wouldn't be serving downtown Mississauga would it?

The loop will serve all the massive development on the west side of square one.
And will probably be the most used stops ont he line in the future
Building that density there was a mistake, with no reasonable plan to serve it. The loop seems questionable to me. I think a branch down Burnhamthorpe might make sense. It could in time be extended to Erindale. Then move the bus terminal to the NW Corner of Burnhamthorpe and Hurontario. It is currently a parking lot. If we wanted to be really cute, the bus terminal could be decked over and developed on top, but I'm not sure this is necessary.
Drum, you really seem to have trouble grasping humour.

IF you accepted the key point, that downtown Mississauga is in the wrong place, then the terminal wouldn't be serving downtown Mississauga would it?

Mississauga was an artificial and political creation and town planning envisioned a ‘downtown’ in the area it is now since the 70’s. I am not trying to argue the point, but the question might be, where would the political/business centre of Mississauga have been otherwise? The obvious candidates are either Port Credit or Streetsville, and I think the political option was something in between.
Mississauga was an artificial and political creation and town planning envisioned a ‘downtown’ in the area it is now since the 70’s. I am not trying to argue the point, but the question might be, where would the political/business centre of Mississauga have been otherwise? The obvious candidates are either Port Credit or Streetsville, and I think the political option was something in between.

I would have argued strongly for the fringe of Port Credit. Right up against Lakeshore would have met with lots of opposition, but where the apartment towers are today, just to the north, on both sides of the Lakeshore GO line, and abutting Hurontario would have made the most sense to me.

It would have provided the transit, and the heritage main street with room on adjacent lands to go vertical. No mega-mall allowed.

I also would have argued for putting UTM nearby, rather than off in a valley far away from good transit.

Water under the proverbial bridge and all that.
He's an engineer ;)

edit: I think if we make Square One genuinely walkable, the exact bus and LRT stop locations will be less pressing.
A 1000 - 1500m walk is still going to take a while.15-20 minutes to Hurontario for most of the condos on the west side of Square One.
What if we made the loop its own entity that just shares a path with the Hurontario line on Hurontario? That way people taking the Hurontario line that actually need to use the loop could get off and quickly transfer to it, conceivably. Would that even be doable or would they have to be separate tracks? (I don't know anything about construction lol)
What if we made the loop its own entity that just shares a path with the Hurontario line on Hurontario? That way people taking the Hurontario line that actually need to use the loop could get off and quickly transfer to it, conceivably. Would that even be doable or would they have to be separate tracks? (I don't know anything about construction lol)
You can built 2/3 stations at Hurontario and Burnhamthorpe to do what you want at a cost, but not out of line to do it. This means back tracking for riders who want to catch buses at CCTT or for GO,

Those going to Sq One can walk in from the Robert Speck stop.
You can built 2/3 stations at Hurontario and Burnhamthorpe to do what you want at a cost, but not out of line to do it. This means back tracking for riders who want to catch buses at CCTT or for GO,

Those going to Sq One can walk in from the Robert Speck stop.
I think the Walmart should have gone and a new grand entrance from Robert speck to the mall would have been useful.
I think the Walmart should have gone and a new grand entrance from Robert speck to the mall would have been useful.
I disagree with removing Walmart as its an major anchor for the mall. Since Walmart structure was build to be 3 floors, I would add that 3rd floor and convert the lower level as the main entrance.

The big issue is the entrance to the service tunnel for deliveries to the mall itself. One reason the LRT was removed from City Centre because of that entrance as well for Walmart.
Drum, you really seem to have trouble grasping humour.

IF you accepted the key point, that downtown Mississauga is in the wrong place, then the terminal wouldn't be serving downtown Mississauga would it?

I lost all sense of humor over a year ago and hoping to regain some of it back when I leave for holidays starting Sat.

As far as I am concern, there will never be a downtown as plan until you remove the white elephant in the core by reinventing it with development on top of it and thinking outside the box city wide for density.

Need to think about building more east-west roads as there is nothing south of Dundas other than the Lakeshore. Need a few more north-south roads as there very little of them south of Dundas.

Both density and a better road system will benefit everyone and help to create a better transit system.
I lost all sense of humor over a year ago

Sorry to hear that.

and hoping to regain some of it back when I leave for holidays starting Sat.

I wish you the best.

As far as I am concern, there will never be a downtown as plan until you remove the white elephant in the core by reinventing it with development on top of it and thinking outside the box city wide for density.

Need to think about building more east-west roads as there is nothing south of Dundas other than the Lakeshore. Need a few more north-south roads as there very little of them south of Dundas.

Both density and a better road system will benefit everyone and help to create a better transit system.

110% agree w/the above. Square One is a carbuncle that ruins the idea of a proper downtown.

Also the Mississauaga street grid definitely needs more to it. I think it also needs a new N-S road on the west side.

Toronto has some similar issues in spots, typically not as critical, but that's a separate thread.
