Why did the current government decide to reopen this topic again when the money already funded by the previous government. Transit on Hurontario aren't going well because there are too much traffic congestion and more car are on the roads, so don't cancel this project at all to keep people moving.
Who idea to cancel this project? Construction already started in some part of Hurontario. If they choice that project is become waste of money for the taxpayers and we work so hard for the money.

Utility relocation is occurring. Infrastructure Ontario hasn't awarded the contract to ProjectCo after the competitive RFP process, unlike what happened with Finch West LRT where a ProjectCo was picked. The cancellation costs and penalties paid to ProjectCo are much steeper after the contract has been awarded.
Why did the current government decide to reopen this topic again when the money already funded by the previous government. Transit on Hurontario aren't going well because there are too much traffic congestion and more car are on the roads, so don't cancel this project at all to keep people moving.

The current government hasn't reopen or closed anything. This media article was spurred by a question from the NDP Transportation Critic to the Minister.
Who idea to cancel this project? Construction already started in some part of Hurontario. If they choice that project is become waste of money for the taxpayers and we work so hard for the money.
While I do not believe it should be cancelled at this point....I don't think a ton has been done....in fact, I think all that has happened is some utilities relocations which is neither here nor there really.
The current government hasn't reopen or closed anything. This media article was spurred by a question from the NDP Transportation Critic to the Minister.

But clearly the PC's are comfortable throwing doubt about supporting previous Liberal transit commitments. Cancelling Cap and Trade shows they will use absolutely no fiscal logic to reverse course.
But clearly the PC's are comfortable throwing doubt about supporting previous Liberal transit commitments. Cancelling Cap and Trade shows they will use absolutely no fiscal logic to reverse course.
Surely their logic would be that now that they have cancelled cap and trade, they have to look at whether they can go ahead with the projects that those cap and trade revenues were going to fund.....transit expansion being the biggest ticket item of those, I believe.
But clearly the PC's are comfortable throwing doubt about supporting previous Liberal transit commitments. Cancelling Cap and Trade shows they will use absolutely no fiscal logic to reverse course.
Jo: Just about to post this in another string on the 'cap and trade' imbroglio, which is going to eat them whole (or is it 'hole' in this case?):
[...]In the book, Brown is at his most pointed when calling out his former colleagues for their policy U-turns.

He notes when he led the party, PC MPPs “voted for carbon pricing.” The Tories now oppose that and are spending $30 million on a constitutional challenge against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s carbon-pricing plan that Brown endorsed.

“I have kept emails in which Vic Fedeli reiterated this was a great idea,” he writes, referring to Ford’s finance minister, now an ardent opponent of putting a price on carbon.

Similarly, Brown recalls Mulroney, now the attorney general, “had been a big believer in climate change and carbon pricing.”

Mulroney's former support is on record, but the (gist) "emails from Fedeli" are dynamite.

I'd like to see Crombie's basis of continued belief on the LRT. This will prove interesting...
Surely their logic would be that now that they have cancelled cap and trade, they have to look at whether they can go ahead with the projects that those cap and trade revenues were going to fund.....transit expansion being the biggest ticket item of those, I believe.

'Logic' is a strong word with the PC government. I would more argue that their inflated deficit numbers (which many experts would says is several billion more than the actual deficit, but that's another story) is a much stronger motivator for cutting funding commitments.
'Logic' is a strong word with the PC government. I would more argue that their inflated deficit numbers (which many experts would says is several billion more than the actual deficit, but that's another story) is a much stronger motivator for cutting funding commitments.
I don't think there is any doubt that the $15B is inflated.......it includes the cost of things the Liberals promised (but never actually spent) but not the revenue that the PCs have already cut (ie cap and trade).....you and I may not agree with the concept but the next logical thing in their exercise is to then cancel the things that the cap and trade was going to pay for ....thus slaying a big part of the $15B deficit they are saying is there.....and then they just have to deal with the regular old deficit that we all knew we had (assuming they are using the auditor general's accounting methodology rather than Charles Sousa's ;) )
I don't think there is any doubt that the $15B is inflated.......it includes the cost of things the Liberals promised (but never actually spent) but not the revenue that the PCs have already cut (ie cap and trade).....you and I may not agree with the concept but the next logical thing in their exercise is to then cancel the things that the cap and trade was going to pay for ....thus slaying a big part of the $15B deficit they are saying is there.....and then they just have to deal with the regular old deficit that we all knew we had (assuming they are using the auditor general's accounting methodology rather than Charles Sousa's ;) )

And so continue's the severe transit deficit the GTA has had and the Liberals were taking real steps to address. All we can hope for is the PC government messes up enough to hand the NDP and Liberals enough seats to form a coalition.
This and other projects took too long getting off the ground while the Liberals were in power, unfortunately leaving it/them vulnerable to the PC axe. It would be so sad but not overly surprising to see a real dial back in transit spending across the region.
