Hudak doesn't seem to be a supporter of transit. At all. But it seems like it would stupid of him not to fund this LRT, unless he finds another way to buy votes here. Remember in 2003, Hazel told people not vote PC, and then the Liberals came into power...

I don't see the point of P3. This will be an extremely profitable LRT line (remember the 19 bus had 115% cost recovery on weekdays in 2004) and could generate a lot revenue in terms of development as well, so why bother with private financing at all?
Hudak doesn't seem to be a supporter of transit. At all. But it seems like it would stupid of him not to fund this LRT, unless he finds another way to buy votes here. Remember in 2003, Hazel told people not vote PC, and then the Liberals came into power...

I don't see the point of P3. This will be an extremely profitable LRT line (remember the 19 bus had 115% cost recovery on weekdays in 2004) and could generate a lot revenue in terms of development as well, so why bother with private financing at all?

MT does not have the staff to run and operate this LRT and therefore it has to be run by someone with experience. Sure they can go out and hire various people to run it, but not that many good personal out there now.

Based on what is happening with the BRT at this time, the city wants to wash their hand of calling tenders and running it. They want someone responsible for the whole thing at at fix cost with all cost overruns being pickup by the P3.

What you will see with the P3 is they will set a fix fee to operate and maintain it for X years and all revenue comes to the cities. This way, the cities can keep the profits of the line for themselves.

As for Hudak, I have yet come upond a transit system or city who see increase in transit funding and support by him. More like cuts. Picture look bleek until 2015 or later regarding transit 100%.
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As for Hudak, I have yet come upond a transit system or city who see increase in transit funding and support by him. More like cuts. Picture look bleek until 2015 or later regarding transit 100%.
Frank Klees is the OPC's Transportation Critic and he'll likely get the portfolio if/when they gain power in October. He was Chief Government Whip and Deputy Party Leader under Mike Harris and a Cabinet Member under Ernie Eves, so we definately are going to miss out on another half decade of catching up to the problem.

From his website, tranportation isn't listed as "topics that you are concerned about and/or are interested in receiving further information"; it only include:
Job Creation, Health Care, Youth Employment, Deficit Reduction, Taxation, Education, Economy (General), Environment, Social Services/Welfare, Justice, Crime, Senior's Issues
does anyone know where I can find the most recent presentations and slides for this project? I've tried looking at the peel region, and Mississauga/Brampton websites to no avail.
I was talking to a few staff members during the opening of the Roundabout about the LRT and the contract for hiring an consultant has yet to be awarded. They are still talking the the bidders and hoping to award the contract in the next week or two.

The consultant will be running the stakeholders meeting as well and one reasons nothing has taken place with them at this time.

The timeline to complete this EA is now 2.5 years as they want to make sure all the i's and t's are cross before going to Metrolinx for funding.

The city is prepared to invest more money once the current funding is used up if they have to, to make sure this EA is done correct, not like Hamilton that has used up all there funding and the project is not complete.

The city is prepare to go P3 if there is no funding within 5 years as they cannot wait for the 15 year time frame nor see no funding for it if the RTP gets scrap after the fall election.
LOL, P3... They're already preparing for the worst when Tim "roads are the public transit" Hudak inevitably becomes premier. This is dead project.
LOL, P3... They're already preparing for the worst when Tim "roads are the public transit" Hudak inevitably becomes premier.
Inevitably? Hudak is leading the polls, but not by much. The last Nanos poll had him ahead by 4.5% down from 7% in May and 9% in March. The last Ipsos Reid poll had him 2% ahead, down from 11% in June. The last Forum Research poll had him ahead by 2%, down from 15% in June. He's hardly in majority government territory ... though who knows what will happen when they call the election in September.
Inevitably? Hudak is leading the polls, but not by much. The last Nanos poll had him ahead by 4.5% down from 7% in May and 9% in March. The last Ipsos Reid poll had him 2% ahead, down from 11% in June. The last Forum Research poll had him ahead by 2%, down from 15% in June. He's hardly in majority government territory ... though who knows what will happen when they call the election in September.

I don't tend to trust these polls very much, not because I don't think that they're accurate in the sense of correctly gauging public opinion, I just think our electoral system is so skewed that the popular vote % isn't very indicative of how many seats each party is going to get. I'd much rather see a projected seat breakdown than a popular vote percentage. Case and point, Harper got a majority government with only 40% of the vote.
