Seems they are going for a very simple cartoon interpretation, the glass itself looks very clear, almost difficult to see the 'windows'.


Not sure what to think of it, I'm not sure if it will come across as well of the ghost facade at One Young in Kitchener.

Great photos! This project is renting for October. If Yonge Street isn’t careful it is going to become less sketchy as these buildings start opening! 😂
Micah Lexier posted about his artwork that is going into this condo:

Here is what the caption for the video says: "Sneak peak- here is some footage that @freydonia took of my upcoming public artwork City of Letters that features a wonderful text by @derek_mccormack, documented while it was being fabricated by the good people at @punchclock_metalworks . The artwork will be installed on/in the IMMIX condo, which is presently under construction on Yonge Street in downtown Toronto, once the former home of the St. Charles Tavern. Derek's text illuminates the various roles that the building played over the years, including its important role in Toronto’s LGBTQ2+ history."
