why is shadow restriction even a thought when sheraton (ugly pos), 390 and arcadian court are sitting right across from NPS posting shadows as seen from google earth...

imo Canada Tower should be a tad taller than BAC. Would even out the skyline and look perfect.

a 75 - 80 story scraper (office) at the north west corner of yonge and adelaide would put the cherry on top... for now.
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It is very difficult and complicated to build a tower 500 feet, the higher you go the more risk inherent in the project, and the less likely it will be built, or even financed. Good, sound, reasonable proposals are what build cities and sustain growth cycles.
From elevator design, to sales, shadowing to wind/gravity forces, to cost and location, supertalls are VERY risky, difficult projects.
Peoples comparisons with China, and Dubai are insane, real market forces aren't building those towers, Chinese nationalism, and an oil depleted sheikdom are. Hence removing the risks incurred by developers, banks and contractors.
It's just not comparable AT ALL!!!!
What you can and should compare Toronto to, if you must, are same size cities, here in N.A., ......a reasonable list of comparable downtown skylines, and economies......Again looking at metro areas, San Fransisco, Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, Seattle, Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Boston, ........ When you look at these places, and you consider adding the growth Toronto has had, the impact would overwhelm the markets and infrastructure of most places.
Phoenix' growth, sprawls ever outward, even Vegas with its "unreal " market had coughed up a massive down turn.
You can not overstate the unbelievable spurt TO has seen, We are racing toward Chicago/ New York status, whom we are really not economically on par with yet.....and even they are not building like we are!!!!
Many of the worlds super talls, are stalled or cancelled, Moscow, St Pete., London, even Dubai....
why is shadow restriction even a thought when sheraton (ugly pos), 390 and arcadian court are sitting right across from NPS posting shadows as seen from google earth...

The Sheraton is the reason for the ban. When it was built in the early 1970's city council quickly noticed the shadow issue. At that point they decided no more shadowing on the square.
why is shadow restriction even a thought when sheraton (ugly pos), 390 and arcadian court are sitting right across from NPS posting shadows as seen from google earth...

imo Canada Tower should be a tad taller than BAC. Would even out the skyline and look perfect.

a 75 - 80 story scraper (office) at the north west corner of yonge and adelaide would put the cherry on top... for now.

As to why shadowing is an issue given the precedence of the Sheraton Centre, city planners vowed not to let a mistake like that be made again. At the end of the day, NPS is a space for the masses, while these towers are the interests of an elite few. When your crown jewel public space doesn't even have sunlight for most of the day, you know you've failed in planning.
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As to why shadowing is an issue given the precedence of the Sheraton Centre, city planners vowed not to let a mistake like that be made again. At the end of the day, NPS is a space for the masses, while these towers are the interests of an elite few. When your crown jewel public space doesn't even have sunlight for most of the day, you know you've failed in planning.

Which was a failure of foresight on their own part. New City Hall was not completed until 1965, only two years before the first TD scraper was completed. If they had given ANY thought to the likely development of downtown, they would have realised that NPS would be shadowed. They should have put the New City Hall elsewhere, where it would not be subject to almost immediate shadowing issues, and the downtown core could have grown without the shadowing-related height restrictions.

But what's done is done.
The Sheraton is the reason for the ban. When it was built in the early 1970's city council quickly noticed the shadow issue. At that point they decided no more shadowing on the square.

As to why shadowing is an issue given the precedence of the Sheraton Centre, city planners vowed not to let a mistake like that be made again. At the end of the day, NPS is a space for the masses, while these towers are the interests of an elite few. When your crown jewel public space doesn't even have sunlight for most of the day, you know you've failed in planning.

imo they should tear it down and put a 10 story (glass building exterior) museum of some sort there of torontos history or whatever... would cost too much money though... ahhh well in a perfect world...

hey what is going on in the parking lot immediate east of bay across the acc?... i remember there was an empty parking lot there... maybe sheraton can move and build a unique 60+ there :)
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oh man, someone shoot me now... the tone of discussion has really taken a dive on the P&C forum! there really should be a policy for new members to be over age 18.

Methinks there may be some under-18 sock-puppetry going on; they all seem to post around the same time. Just sayin...
Methinks there may be some under-18 sock-puppetry going on; they all seem to post around the same time. Just sayin...

You'll notice that they start posting around 4 to 5pm... school's out.

hey guys we all were under 18 at some point in our lives... listen to what is said and take under your wing... everyone can learn a little...
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hey guys we all were under 18 at some point in our lives... listen to what is said and take under your wing... everyone can learn a little...

The people who should be doing the learning and listening (and not ranting nonsensically) are the young'uns... not the other way around. That being said, I don't care how old someone is as long as they use a semblance of proper grammar and spelling. There are some posters here who I just can't take seriously because they literally write like 10 year olds.
Which was a failure of foresight on their own part. New City Hall was not completed until 1965, only two years before the first TD scraper was completed. If they had given ANY thought to the likely development of downtown, they would have realised that NPS would be shadowed. They should have put the New City Hall elsewhere, where it would not be subject to almost immediate shadowing issues, and the downtown core could have grown without the shadowing-related height restrictions.

But what's done is done.

Yeah, it all could have been done so much better, with more emphasis on heritage preservation in the core. But the reality today suggests that we can have a lot of skyscrapers downtown and still have public spaces without shadowing becoming a prominent issue. It's just a matter of planning.
It's an exaggeration to claim that our crown jewel public space doesn't even have sunlight for most of the day, and it's worth noting that the tower was positioned at the west side of the site, with the low rise part of the development - including an internal garden - directly to the south of the Square. I find the eternally deadening effect that the design of the Sheraton Centre continues to exert on the pedestrian life of the south side of Queen Street to be at least as serious a problem as the daily transit of a shadow across the Square.
Yeah, that is definitely one of the most unpleasant stretches of sidewalk in the city. Even a midnight stroll along Dundas from George to Sherbourne is more enjoyable than walking by the Sheraton at any time of the day.
