Based on the slender design of the tower, the number of floors, and the knowledge of hotel and residential condominium components, I'm going to suggest that this building likely would not have an office component.
Sorry Skorji, I'm not sure why you have come to that conclusion. This first Skyline plan for this site did include offices, and the size of the building does not seem to have changed significantly. (Not that I'm saying you are wrong - I'm just saying that they have not been unequivocal about that yet.)

187 meters on 54 floors..other than the 5 or 6 hotel floors there has to be some other floors with high ceilings somewhere in this building, which makes me think there is an office component. Also i have not heard anything about the parking situation that i believe is above ground, at the end of the day this project with the slant roof and the above ground parking could pretty well reach 200 meters..
Based on what I saw in that video, it just doesn't sound like the office component is to be included. The name itself seems to indicate that. I would have guessed they would say something in the video if that were to be included. Not suggesting that I have factual evidence or that I know better, I'm just speculating. It just doesn't strike me as a building that would have offices. I guess we will find out though!
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Fair enough.

We're trying to get more info on it now, and will tell all when we know more.

From Traynor at SSP, quoting from the video:

Canada Tower Hotel and Residence. A synergy of combined uses in a unique, iconic form, that will stand out in Toronto's impressive skyline.

Leaving aside the issue of how much it will actually stand out in the skyline, the key phrase to me is that it will be combined-use. We already know about the hotel and the condominium uses, but the phrasing is certainly open to also including offices in that synergy, much like Chicago's John Hancock tower.
Well, just looking from the outside in, if any sizeable proportion of this 54-storey tower was designed for office use, it would be a good deal taller than it is. B/A, after all, is only 52 storeys, and it towers over this thing in the videos.
Well the early Skyline proposal had:

5 various-purpose floors
17 office floors
1 mechanical floor
1 hotel back-of-house floor
8 hotel floors
19 residential floors

(totaling 51 floors)

1 mechanical room
1 machine room
1 upper mechanical room

(totaling 54 floors)

in a total height of 178.75m, so it seems possible that this version could include office floors as well.

Actually, is there ANY difference between the original Skyline design and the current one? Perhaps the total height is still 178.75m (586.45 feet)? It would fit the video better, I think.
Is this an empty lot right now?? Ground break be in 2011, or to soon to tell??
Any 50 story building in the core should be welcomed

No, they are going to tear down the Graphics Arts Building and reconstruct a 'modern adaptation' of it. Bulldozing a building then constructing a new facade that looks like the destroyed building isn't preservation. I'm rather appalled that this is going ahead, to be honest.

The Graphics Arts Building (1913) will be torn down

Courtesy of Monkeyronin
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Actually, nowhere do they state that they are going to demolish the Graphic Arts Building, merely that the Canada Tower will rise from a "modern adaptation" of it. This could simply mean that the existing building will be adapted as a podium for the tower -- or it could mean that it will be demolished and replaced. I don't know one way or the other, I do not have sufficient information to say. But saying that the existing building WILL be torn down, is premature in my opinion.
From the renders, it does not look like they are going to do anything to Graphis Arts building (but build right beside it). Further, the GA building is full of individually owned condo units, so its not like they have the right to do anything to the building, in any event.
