Southcore is the development name of the GWL site (18 York, Block 7A/B). Somewhere that name got applied to the whole area and stuck. As maestro said, the area has always been known as the Railway Lands. The name Southcore is not that great.
Well, despite what it technically called, certainly southcore sounds wayyy much better than Railway lands....
... or a company (southcorp)
or an area on Oahu.

I don't hate it though. At least it's not from New York.
Oct 1 2010 update

photos that I never got around to posting previously ~

Does anyone know if the delay of Infinity 3 and 4 is due to the dependency on the underground/PATH connecting it through ICE? The initial tentative posession date for ∞³ was July 2011. Looks like ICE has put a "freeze" on everything...
Does anyone know if the delay of Infinity 3 and 4 is due to the dependency on the underground/PATH connecting it through ICE? The initial tentative posession date for ∞³ was July 2011. Looks like ICE has put a "freeze" on everything...

Posession date due in just 7 months from a building that has not even a foundation yet. This date is obviously quite old since this building will not be done until mid to late 2012.
I hate it.

I haven't posted about a project in years, but I felt the need to say that I find this to be one of the ugliest new condo complexes in the Toronto Region.

I hated phase 1 and 2 and to have an almost exact mirror copy of it going up across the street is a disaster.

This site is a key strategic location when entering the city from the west, right at the base of the CN Tower, and we get this crap to welcome you.

Complete FAIL.

Here are my two cents regarding this;

If you factor in the location - it's going to be a disappointment - heck most projects would end up a disappointment here considering it's prominent location and it stands out in the classical (and overly portrayed) Toronto skyline shot.

Ignoring that for a second, it's an OK project in my books - I like the base, they did a decent job integrated retail and the street wall that forms is a nice contribution compared to most other projects. Regarding the tower it self - from the west side, the larger tower is quite interesting - if it were not for the ugly roof element I'd even go as far as to say in some lighting conditions it's quite attractive. The same can't be said about the east side or the lower tower - they fall right into the mediocre category - I group them in the first phase of the city place buildings (around rogers center) the other city place buildings are much better then this from a design point of view (i.e. the tower it self).
