I wonder if they're going to make a change in the materials used on the exterior of this building or if it's going to be like the first phase.
It's the same awful plan as the north buildings. If they can't be bothered to alter the plan, would they be bothered to alter the materials?

I hope they stay the same actually. If there were slight changes the pair would clash… and if there's one thing we don't want, it's Infinity clashing!
Aug 29



According to Urbanation, 'Infintiy: The Final Phase' is in pre-registration. Might as well have just called it 'Infinity 2, again'.
Christ, can developers just build any piece of crap and it will sell? Don't Torontonians give a damn about the way it looks or how it effects the city? (or is it just that investors are buying everything available, no matter how ugly it is?)
Christ, can developers just build any piece of crap and it will sell? Don't Torontonians give a damn about the way it looks or how it effects the city? (or is it just that investors are buying everything available, no matter how ugly it is?)

Or simply first time homebuyers who will buy anything that is affordable and within their price range ??
Or simply first time homebuyers who will buy anything that is affordable and within their price range ??

Yup. As an owner in Infinity II, I know I live in one of the top 5 new condos UT loves to hate. But the price and most importantly location are why I live here.

I do wish it looked more like it's neighbors MLS and ICE, but comparable units there compared to here are $100K-$150K more. Not worth it IMO when we are within a few hundred meters of each other.

That said, Conservatory and UrbanCorp should be barred from making anything downtown for the next 10 years as punishment. Wishful thinking, I know.
I just don't understand the hatred of this building. Okay, so cloning it exactly isn't ideal, but the double-curved front of the existing building looks futuristic and impressive. I'd rather they clone this, than some bland boxes like MLS.
well... as long as they keep it looking decent both inside and out long term, who really cares? it just needs to blend in with the city... and because it's not that big, it pretty much hides itself...
More pedestrians bridges

^ I agree - I believe the railway tracks arre the real barrier to the waterfront, not the gardiner. You can walk or drive under the gardiner but there are only a few locations where you can get over/under the tracks.

We should lower the tracks and allow developers to build over them. They have done it in other cities.

We need more pedestrians bridges like the Puente de Luz Bridge (aka Portland St. Bridge):

Another one at Algonquin College in Ottawa:
welcome to UT ichigo ... I guess you don't know the various projects in the area too well yet, this diagram will help clarify things for you

Ignoring the building heights shown above (Infinity 3 + 4 location should be flipped, Infinity3 is actually 35 storeys and Infinity4 is 16 storeys), the proposed buildings in the Railway Lands East Area (aka Southcore) are as shown below

