[40] There is no dispute that providing vehicular access on Belsize Drive for this development is superior to providing access on Yonge Street from a traffic and a planning perspective as testified by the four expert witnesses at this hearing. The analysis was extensive to support this conclusion, and showed that with the proposed turning restrictions, the infiltration into the neighbourhood via Belsize Drive would be negligible; whereas, if the access were on Yonge Street this would result in a greater amount of traffic using Belsize Drive for traffic movement. The witnesses also testified that the proposed access on Belsize Drive is consistent with the City’s Official Plan and the applicable guidance documents. [41] The City did not bring any evidence to counter the opinion of the four expert witnesses.
[49] The Board allows the appeal and approves the Site Plan drawings dated November 30, 2015 and Conditions of Approval as provided in evidence in Exhibit 1 Tab 13, provided that the changes to the Site Plan in relation to the curb be made as provided by Exhibit 5, as well as the changes required to accommodate the neighbour’s access to his rear parking space as provided in Exhibit 2 Tab 20. The changes are to be implemented in the Final Site Plan and must be to the satisfaction of the City Engineering and Construction Services department.