All relationships are treated with equal disdain here.
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The mansions on Jarvis are kind of an odd problem, in that individually they're great, but collectively they're so spread out with dead spaces in between that they kill any chance for street life. It would be a massive undertaking and probably be incredibly messy given all of the titles and landowners involved, but I wish there was some way that the mansions could be collected and repositioned to create one or two "heritage" blocks. Granted, they'd lose their context, but in a way that ship has already sailed. All of the great trees were cut down, the lawns and gardens were paved over for surface parking lots, and development has slowly encroached on the buildings anyway. If the alternatives are to either see them torn down (like Odette House), facadectomized (like the Lyle studio), tacked on as ornaments (like the James Cooper Mansion), or abandoned to neglect (...) then maybe a preservation district isn't such a bad idea, especially when there's so many worthwhile candidates in so small an area.

iirc, there's really one stretch along Jarvis that has any mansions left and that's between Wellesley and Charles sprinkled among the rental apt blocks from the 1960s/70s.

would you consider the victorians south of Gerrard St to Shuter on the east side worth saving?
what condition are they in? SFH or rooming houses?
is this mansion being used as commercial or residential?

i don't want this to be another disaster.

I honestly don't know, I don't even recall what condition it's in though I've past it countless times.
The mansions on Jarvis are kind of an odd problem, in that individually they're great, but collectively they're so spread out with dead spaces in between that they kill any chance for street life. It would be a massive undertaking and probably be incredibly messy given all of the titles and landowners involved, but I wish there was some way that the mansions could be collected and repositioned to create one or two "heritage" blocks. Granted, they'd lose their context, but in a way that ship has already sailed. All of the great trees were cut down, the lawns and gardens were paved over for surface parking lots, and development has slowly encroached on the buildings anyway. If the alternatives are to either see them torn down (like Odette House), facadectomized (like the Lyle studio), tacked on as ornaments (like the James Cooper Mansion), or abandoned to neglect (...) then maybe a preservation district isn't such a bad idea, especially when there's so many worthwhile candidates in so small an area.

Interesting idea. Reminds me the 1100 block of Comox and Pendrell Streets in Vancouver (map) where one side of the street is lined with older houses, with most have heritage designations, surrounded by the dozens of apartment buildings. Of course there are differences between these streets (local, residential) and Jarvis (arterial, mixed use) but there is a certain charm associated with the difference in built forms. I don't know the history behind this area in the West End and whether the houses have always been there or if some were relocated. My guess would be more of the former.

That being said, I think the idea of relocating some of the mansions could work, however I'd be wary of making a part of Jarvis look like a musuem as opposed to a more organic look and like the example I gave.
Every street in the downtown doesn't have to be buzzing & vibrant with retail & restaurants (not that that's a bad thing), besides, Jarvis Street isn't the most conducive street for sitting out on a patio and enjoying a latte given the high traffic volume, pollution and noise. What Jarvis Street really needs is wider sidewalks, more trees (some beautification), speed traps and NOT a 5th lane added back to make it more attractive. From there mid-rise and high-rise development (where appropriate) can propagate, mansions can be re-purposed and split into apartments or offices and the street can regain some of it's dignity.
I walked by the site 2 days ago, the mansion isn't in very good shape a bit of a stucco monster with some rotting columns. It is by no means a great example of what Jarvis used to look like. The brick beauties north of Wellseley are much better.
Wrong thread for debating religion.

re: proposal

Too early to be too vociferously against it, though the proximity to Allan Gardens clearly translates into the need for added sensitivities. The old house actually isn't too shabby in the grand scheme of things - a restoration can easily bring it back to life and it would actually add interest (i.e. selling point) for the project.

Personally I would prefer the tower to moved as far back from Jarvis as possible - but at the same time a strong (not dinky 2s podium) should face the street - just to create a good streetwall that is more or less consistent in height - similar to what you get around the Central Park in NYC.

