The old house actually isn't too shabby in the grand scheme of things - a restoration can easily bring it back to life and it would actually add interest (i.e. selling point) for the project.

Personally I would prefer the tower to moved as far back from Jarvis as possible - but at the same time a strong (not dinky 2s podium) should face the street - just to create a good streetwall that is more or less consistent in height - similar to what you get around the Central Park in NYC.


This site is big enough to leave the house alone and build around it (if Massey Tower can do it, why not here?) This house could make for an excellent retail addition - I could imagine that large veranda being a great place for outdoor seating for a cafe or coffee shop. This house really adds to the streetscape and represents the history of Jarvis St. I think we're seeing more interest in incorporating heritage into the developments. It is appealing to buyers.

The issue with this block is the truly horrid treatment of the ground level by the hotel on the corner.

Yeah, Primose is brutal on Jarvis - and there isn't much one can do about that one I think - I suspect it is structural.

Dont get it...if these structures have been hacked beyond recognition , how can they still be designated heritage.:confused:

They likely wouldn't get it, at least not without strong political will. The Heritage Board is so backed up with applications for alterations, listings and designations that community members or Associations now have to take on saving buildings if they are to be saved. Research must be done, history compiled (who lived there, what notable events may have taken place there, architectural style, detailing, context etc.) and then submitted to the Board for consideration.

I went past today, it doesn't look like it's in that bad of shape but it's been toyed with so sadly, it'll probably go. There's a big porch out front that makes me think of what it must have been like to sit out there back in the day.

Something in the 20s range would be appropriate here and down to about Gerrard, IMO.

And yes, the Primrose is nasty beyond belief!
The prospects of this controversial proposal looking grim. Detailed and thorough article and photo tour on TheTorontoBlog:

50-storey condo tower proposed for Jarvis/Carlton parking lot site across from historic Allan Gardens

06 Feb 2012

Only one building remains on the site — the 4-floor Sheard mansion at 314 Jarvis Street. Constructed in 1865, and altered in 1901 by Mathew Sheard for Dr. Charles Sheard (Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health from 1893 – 1910), the mansion was added to the City’s list of heritage buildings in 1988, and received formal heritage designation in 1990.

...Only the “front portion” of the mansion would be saved as part of the new condo development.

While heritage advocates are dismayed about the potential fate of the Sheard mansion, staff in the city’s parks and planning departments are equally concerned about the impact that shadows cast by the condo tower could have on trees across the street in Allan Gardens, not to mention the hundreds of species of tropical plants and flowers — some of which are rare — growing in the Palm House conservatory and the four attached greenhouses.

City planners don’t think the west side of Jarvis Street across from Allan Gardens is an appropriate location for a highrise in any event. Last year, a consultant’s report prepared for the City’s Downtown Tall Buildings Project listed Allan Gardens as one of eight significant “First Tier” downtown parks that deserved special protection from shadowing by tall buildings. The report recommended keeping the streets on the west, south and east sides of the park free from tall building development (it did say that Carlton Street on the north side of the park, where there is already one midrise condo plus one highrise apartment building, would be suitable for tall buildings).

City planners have analyzed the consultants’ study and prepared a report urging City Council to adopt their own recommendations for a new downtown tall buildings vision and guidelines. That report goes to Toronto and East York Community Council (TEYCC) for consideration in just over a week, and could go to City Council for approval on March 5. Maps in the city planners’ January 27 2012 report to TEYCC show that tall buildings are considered appropriate only on Carlton Street to the north of Allan Gardens, and only to a maximum height of 62 to 107 meters (20 to 35 storeys). The map shows tall buildings are not desirable on Jarvis Street to the west, Gerrard to the south, and Sherbourne to the east.

City planners are expected to hold a community consultation meeting, possibly at the end of this month, to gather neighbourhood feedback about the 308 Jarvis condo proposal.
...and so begins the era of the repressive "Tall Buildings Study". Soon we'll be seeing more and more reports like this and fewer and fewer skyscrapers proposed in Toronto.
I have no problem with a tall building on that site but it sounds like they want to facsodomize the old house. I don't like when they do that. At least encase the entire thing in glass and have it be a structure-within-a-structure. Would be cool I think.
...and so begins the era of the repressive "Tall Buildings Study". Soon we'll be seeing more and more reports like this and fewer and fewer skyscrapers proposed in Toronto.

Yeah, Happy days ahead for the anti-development groups.........Toronto asks to opt out of Ontario Municipal Board

Toronto moves toward extracting city from OMB
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50 stories is insane for this location, it's not going to happen. This is exactly why the City has taken the first step in eliminating the OMB from our business. I walked by and took a look at the mansion, it's in decent shape so it should be restored and fully integrated into the project when this project is reduced to a sane height.
It's nice to see that they will be preserving the heritage building. Given the location of the site, I can't imagine it casting any substantial shadows on the gardens.
According to that article, the height of this proposal is 156.6 m or 513.65 ft.

And also:

City planners have scheduled a Feb. 27 community meeting to discuss the proposed application for a rezoning of the condo site. It will be held at the Primrose Hotel, 111 Carlton St., from 7 to 9 p.m.
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50 stories is insane for this location, it's not going to happen. This is exactly why the City has taken the first step in eliminating the OMB from our business. I walked by and took a look at the mansion, it's in decent shape so it should be restored and fully integrated into the project when this project is reduced to a sane height.

My primary concern would be/is the retention of the historic house, which the above Star article seems to imply will be kept (a la James Cooper hopefully). If that is the case, I see no problem with going up to 50s here (hell, maybe more if they decide to shrink the floorplate and give the job to Peter, Don, Stephen or Bruce).
