Update: Work is set to begin this fall on the waterfront to revitalize Harbour Square Park, focusing on improving the walkway from Queens Quay to the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal.
Construction is well underway. Paving has arrived on site.



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Read: Possibly (probably?) not in decades/ever/our lifetimes. Typical.

To your point:

"The current St. Lawrence Market North initiative has been ongoing since 2002 to
maximize the site's full potential and improve the St. Lawrence Market complex. At its
meeting on July 30, 31 and August 1, 2002, City Council approved, in principal, the concept of redeveloping the St. Lawrence Market North Building and directed City staff to study redevelopment options."

Contract for same. Awarded last week. A short 16 years later.

Queen's Quay East streetcar service to begin any day now.
To your point:

"The current St. Lawrence Market North initiative has been ongoing since 2002 to
maximize the site's full potential and improve the St. Lawrence Market complex. At its
meeting on July 30, 31 and August 1, 2002, City Council approved, in principal, the concept of redeveloping the St. Lawrence Market North Building and directed City staff to study redevelopment options."

Contract for same. Awarded last week. A short 16 years later.

Queen's Quay East streetcar service to begin any day now.

While I’m a cynic, I’m not as pessimistic as you. This is a Waterfront Toronto project and they have a pretty good record of getting things done.

Right now they’re tied up on a billion dollar naturalization of the Don, a critical element to move the entire waterfront revitalization forward. The Jack Layton Ferry Terminal is important and comparatively inexpensive.

I do think that it’ll be funded as they move forward on things like the Yonge Quay development. Section 37 money from the massive 1 Yonge project will easily fund the terminal and surrounding area improvements.
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To your point:

"The current St. Lawrence Market North initiative has been ongoing since 2002 to
maximize the site's full potential and improve the St. Lawrence Market complex. At its
meeting on July 30, 31 and August 1, 2002, City Council approved, in principal, the concept of redeveloping the St. Lawrence Market North Building and directed City staff to study redevelopment options."

Contract for same. Awarded last week. A short 16 years later.

....and it ended up being a rather drab option as well. Top marks!

I'm going to sort of be as optimistic as @MetroMan but I am not placing any bets nor expecting anything specific.
I hope it does, as well. But getting anything of substance done here seems to range between impossible and improbable. Council can't get even the mundane stuff done, let alone the magnificent.

Anyone tried to drive up York Street in the past 10 years? You cold lose a subcompact in the potholes, and this is one of our primary entrance / exit points downtown? You know, the one folks use to get to Nathan Philips Square (a monumental debacle) or to our new and improved Union Station that opens in 2016?

I think the City should just give every contract to whomever completed the removal of the York Street ramp and the install of the new ramp/roadway. Heck, maybe they could build us our missing fleet of streetcars.
Section 37 money from the massive 1 Yonge project will easily fund the terminal and surrounding area improvements.
Have you heard anything in that regard, or are you just speculating? I am under the impression that the community centre going into 1 Yonge is eating up its Section 37 contribution.

And while I'm at it, what did Jack Layton ever do for Toronto. Seriously, what did he himself accomplish other than get re-elected to Council, become leader of a 3rd place federal party party, champion various causes and enjoy a first hand appreciation of the benefits of social housing. A parkette, maybe but something as significant at the water gateway to our City? Lester Pearson or Macdonald or Cartier he wasn't. The Stephen Harper Terminal? The Thomas Mulcair Terminal? The Dalton McDalton Terminal?

It was a ridiculous. Politicians naming stuff after politicians. How about the Dr. Fraser Mustard Ferry Terminal. There's was a Torontonian who made a huge and lasting difference in Toronto and around the world. And there are hundreds more like him.
Have you heard anything in that regard, or are you just speculating? I am under the impression that the community centre going into 1 Yonge is eating up its Section 37 contribution.


I had been told in person in conversation with Pam McConnell’s staff way back during the competition that section 37 would fund this. Further clarification years later suggested that it would be coming from 1 Yonge. I don’t have any official confirmation.
Here we are. I found a 2015 article that states pretty much what I had been told:

Ms. McConnell suggested that "there is more than adequate funding" for the revitalization proposal in development charges – including parks levies, development charges and "Section 37" payments – generated by new construction in the area.


Several major private development projects are on tap for the immediate area, including a massive proposal for 1 Yonge St.

source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/new...esign-for-new-ferry-terminal/article23883227/
Here we are. I found a 2015 article that states pretty much what I had been told:

source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/new...esign-for-new-ferry-terminal/article23883227/

I also don't have direct knowledge, but that does sound more like notional musing rather than confirmation, to me.

By way of comparison, I do know from conversations with Bailao's office that the community centre the City is building as part of the Galleria Mall redevelopment will eat up more than 100% of s. 37 funds derived from that similarly ambitious project.
