I'd like to see a photo taken directly facing the screen to compare to the rendering. The angle in that photo isn't doing it any favours.
Another unfortunate case of unrealistic renderings, I worry that the units might feel very dark. In the renderings they had these large, airy bricks for those facade bits, but the pics that Gairloch release today tell a different (and cheaper) story..

View attachment 527066
View attachment 527068
If anything I think this building is evidence of an atypical/smaller developer that is trying to do their best they can to replicate precisely what they rendered. I've heard from various architects and designers that industry insiders are amazed w some of the design decisions on this building. Apparently the brick selected alone (not accounting the the screen complication) is double the price of your typical Toronto red brick.
my question is how those brick screens will be maintained. how do you even clean the exterior window? not to mention, birds will probably nest nicely within. nice design choice, but maintenance nightmare in the longterm.
For the sake of the new residents who are paying a fortune to live here, I hope there is a robust plan in place to power wash this building regularly, otherwise those punctured brick walls will be covered in pigeon poop in no time. They need the team from the Campbell Street Lofts just down the street, who keep that building surprisingly tidy!
