What a piece of crap. If you are going to produced crap with heritage building like this, better off tearing it all down. No one can't think out side the box these days and continue to produce these useless designs.
Why are they keeping the original structure. Sometimes you’re better off knocking it all down and omitting the existing building from the design. This is so silly.
Only good part is opening up the side for (I assume) retail frontage, but even that does not look as though it will be executed all that well.
Wow, what a boring hot mess.
The street level is an endless series of banal generic storefront windows that’s inviting some uninspiring national retailer. The really need to play up the heritage aspect and add some character and charm to really activate and animate this street corner as Bathurst hasn’t been a great street for commercial. I know the sidewalks are not that wide here, but add some industrial warehouse-style canopies and historical architectural flourishes to the west side. Right now those 6 bays of aluminum storefronts look just like the strip plaza at Liberty Village (where the Harvey’s is located), or any suburban strip mall for that matter. We don’t need another Dollar Store or Homesense here.
That west facade is not even true to its original form, other than that odd cornice line above the third floor. If they are going to rebuild that facade, why not improve on it rather than bastardize it. Look at Market Street at St.Lawrence Market, now that’s a stretch of updated heritage frontage done right.
For such a piece of prime real estate like this and for a great looking historical building like what currently exists on site, this proposal is just an outright embarrassment. Timbercreek, get out of here with that kind trash plan.
It is incredibly frustrating to see such a poor proposal for this major intersection, especially when the site is already occupied by a great historical building. I hope this whole project is turfed.

"This report will recommend that City Council approve alterations to the heritage property at 663 King Street West, which is in the King Spadina Heritage Conservation District, in connection with a settlement offer for the redevelopment of the site, request authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement and state its intention to designate the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.

This report will be made available prior to the Toronto Preservation Board Meeting scheduled for January 21, 2019."
I only wish Allied was able to get their hands on this plot of land, they would've done this site its proper justice. Allied is essentially the gold-standard when it comes to historical integration, while Timbercreek is....well the lost poppy dog who has no idea what they're doing.
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Only problem is there are 7 existing rental residential units which limit the ability for the building to be brought back to pure office. Allied isn't really into that game.
Only problem is there are 7 existing rental residential units which limit the ability for the building to be brought back to pure office. Allied isn't really into that game.

Ugh, 'pure office?, boot them out and retrofit it to its original form, if legal pay them and they'll leave, no?
i'm sure Allied has done that before to illegal residential units that popped in some of the many office warehouse buildings that they have owned
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