In other words, just switch brain into mediocre mode with regards to architecture (and a lot of other things) in this city. It's the Toronto Way!
Perhaps a little Canadian insecurity showing through!!!!!
Trust me when I say.. It is the "MODERN" way, and it is everywhere... You are just inundated with it, because you have so many projects...
Mpls has built many 4 story precast, assemble by numbers, apts and condos, (which when they do not sell, are turned into apts!! LOL)
Block E downtown is a pastiche of horrible facades, new Mosaic in Uptown is a precast monster at 8 storys, and thats as tall as they dare go,even with 4 floors being a parking ramp.. ( and there is no Mosaic anywhere to be found)
The quality level in Toronto so surpasses these projects that it amazes me you think the Toronto way is inherent to only our fine city????
I recall many beautiful projects built recently on par with anything built in N.A.!! ( Lumiere?? Four Seasons?? X??? Ice??? (we will see?) Ritz, SL??? I think your all a little spoiled.. and if you think that making money as a bottom line, is only in Torontonian construction.... you should spread your eyes a litte wider!!!! ( and by that I mean south if the border!)