Application: Partial Permit Status: Not Started

Location: 11 CHARLOTTE ST

Ward 20: Trinity-Spadina

Application#: 12 105190 SHO 00 PP Accepted Date: Jan 23, 2012

Project: Mixed Use/Res w Non Res Partial Permit - Shoring

Description: Part Permit - Proposal to construct a 32 sty condo with commercial at grade, 232 dwelling units, and 4 levels of below grade parking.
Is there any progress with this one on sales and the site itself?
Not a bad project at all. Interesting that they're going to try to make retail work on the south side alley. It will definitely transform the fairly charming little street, but it's not bad looking and seems to offer something to the area..
Extending retail into alleys is a great idea. It would be great if we could take advantage of unused laneways the way they do in Melbourne:

Untitled by hien1234, on Flickr
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Extending retail into alleys is a great idea. It would be great if we could take advantage of unused laneways the way they do in Melbourne:

Untitled by hien1234, on Flickr

This is Melbourne? I would have thought that was in Europe. It looks great. I'd love to have intimate public spaces like that, in this city.
hmm, maybe I'm confusing things but ... isn't there a space similar to that in Yorkville ?
Not quite that built up on either side, but still retail in a some ally effectively.
I believe the answer to your question is 'yes' UD.

Multi-use spaces

I was wondering if anyone knew if the multi-use community space is still included for the ground level and if it is possible to use it as a theatre venue? If so, this would be the second such venue in a new condo developement in this district with Cinema condo being the first and an increase in programmable space for the neighbourhood.
Whenever any article about condos appears, in any paper (i.e. sun / star / ...) I'm always surprised by the slew of negative comments.

While some comments are along the lines of condos are too expensive. The majority center around, why would anyone want to live downtown, condo or not. The second most frequent group of comments is generally along the lines of why would anyone want to live in a condo anywhere, period.


The one comment that irks me is always about condo fees ! Yes some buildings have very high condo fees ($ per square foot that is) but many house owners seem to think they need to spend $0 in maintenance very year !

Moreover a good portion of the condo fee goes toward the reserve fund, something I bet the vast majority of home owners never save for. So 10 years down the line when they need to replace the windows, they pay 10/20+ thousand dollars yet to them they spend $0 a year ...
