While the brick podium is nice, I still can't say that I like the Kingly portion. The precast crown appears quite top-heavy. I think it should have been built as a separate mid-rise tower.
Beam frame going in now:

I'm disappointed they went with the beam frame versus the ornamental brick cornice, but overall a very nice addition to the area.
Is it just me or does the brick panel above not match the laid brick below? The brick panel looks much more orange.
Does anyone know what trade is doing the masonry work on this project and where the brick is from?
Wow brick being layed? In the downtown core?

When's the last time we could say we've seen that one before, good on Allied!

Shows what a sad state of affairs we have here in modern urban development that we praise with awe techniques that were once routine.
Shows what a sad state of affairs we have here in modern urban development that we praise with awe techniques that were once routine.

It was only 'routine' because it was the cheap way to do things back in the day. UT of 1900 would be decrying all the 'cheap developers' who declined to use real stone...

Brick is beautiful, sure, but let's not navel gaze about how past developers didn't want the most cost-efficient buildings money and materials could buy.
