Who owns the parking lot? If the City does, then maybe, with it partly being funded through S.37 agreements as the town square would be a community benefit I suppose. It would also have to be a paid parking zone (Green P) to help cover some costs as well. If the City doesn't own the land then it would be harder to do as the owner would most likely not want to cover the costs since it would be difficult to recover them through parking charges. The idea is a good one though.
Who owns the parking lot? If the City does, then maybe, with it partly being funded through S.37 agreements as the town square would be a community benefit I suppose. It would also have to be a paid parking zone (Green P) to help cover some costs as well. If the City doesn't own the land then it would be harder to do as the owner would most likely not want to cover the costs since it would be difficult to recover them through parking charges. The idea is a good one though.

This is a private parking lot... it is the same property as the Dominion stands on.
Speaking of the unfortunate surface parking lot ...

Does anybody know what the oblong red blob is just south of the parking lot? It looks as if there could be plans for a building there, but I don't believe any exists now.
as for the parking lot in front of Dominions ... sadly I think that is here to stay ... there is no other parking which services those retail units... unless you can convince you developer to come in and developer to build on that piece, provide enough underground parking for its own proposal as well as provide parking to service Dominions ~

Though who says Dominion--at least in its present single-storey big-box form--is "here to stay"? Perhaps it's marking time until urban intensification hits these parts...
Does anybody know what the oblong red blob is just south of the parking lot? It looks as if there could be plans for a building there, but I don't believe any exists now.

IIRC, its part of the planned Toy factory retail component. It had been used as overflow plaza parking while the four storey underground garage below the office block was being built. Again, and probably for the last time, the rest of the parking lot was/is planned to be replaced with office space and underground parking as well.

Honestly, I really don't get the obsession with this particular parking lot considering liberty village is more surface parking than building and new long term surface lots are created every year in the downtown without a single outcry. It's almost the dandies and bohemians running things here want King West to fail.
Why does Liberty Village get so many crap buildings?
Why does Liberty Village get so many crap buildings?

I think in the future you are going to see the best development in West Liberty Village. Hanna to Dufferin Living near by i have heard of a bunch of loft style 8-12 story buildings are being planned around some of the older brick warehouses, also heard rumour that the Dempsters bakery site might get re-developed They are also looking at development at the north corner of Dufferin and Liberty street.There is a lot thats going to happen in this area in the coming years.Lets not forget that Dufferin street will have no jog at Queen St.and will be extended straight through the CNE to Lakeshore Blvd. Rumour also states that a new tram line is in the works for that area.
as for the parking lot in front of Dominions ... sadly I think that is here to stay ... there is no other parking which services those retail units...

The southern part of that parking lot is big enough for a development, while the north side provides ample parking space to support the retail businesses.
But I actually would be against any developement on either side of that lot. The parking lot helps maintain some of the industrial/historic feel to the village. Developing every parcel of land into midrises will hide the historical buildings and create a maze of new developments.
^ I think having every piece of land developed will only help give a downtown european feeling to the area. We could use a little charm in this city.
Incase anybody else was wondering. Gabriel Bodor Architect Inc. and Quadrangle Architects Ltd. collaborated on this project. Their last collaboration was Chocolate Company Lofts (955 Queen St. West)... Also a Plazacorp development.
Incase anybody else was wondering. Gabriel Bodor Architect Inc. and Quadrangle Architects Ltd. collaborated on this project. Their last collaboration was Chocolate Company Lofts (955 Queen St. West)... Also a Plazacorp development.

Hmm interesting....thanks for the update CGM!
as for the parking lot in front of Dominions ... sadly I think that is here to stay ... there is no other parking which services those retail units... unless you can convince you developer to come in and developer to build on that piece, provide enough underground parking for its own proposal as well as provide parking to service Dominions ~
I was under the impression from one of these Liberty Village threads that the strip mall and parking lot were temporary. Doesn't a developer still own those parcels?

Any updates on this project.

I have 2 minor ones but would like any additional info...

1) Website kingwestlife.com has been slightly updated, most significant is the videos added to 'King West TV'

2) They have performed some minor digging at the site...
King West looks nice and we can see this developer and team are familar with ASHRAE 90.1 looks like it will pass no problem. Good energy effiecent building.
Green regards,
