Thanks for the update Gooner... I'll try to get some pictures in a few days if the weather cooperates
wonder when they willl have the 'GO AHEAD' to start construction & digging
wonder when they willl have the 'GO AHEAD' to start construction & digging

I dont understand whats going on,the southern part just north of the Gardiner has been excavated and looks like they left it half way.There is not a good atmosphere on this development.
I dont understand whats going on,the southern part just north of the Gardiner has been excavated and looks like they left it half way.There is not a good atmosphere on this development.

I think you are referring to the excavation/pit of the liberty towers/bliss site. They did their excavation last year and it seems like they are awaiting their financing before they can get started on construction.
As promised:




Some minor digging recently and a construction office onsite... though no heavy equipment
I believe that this project will be done before that "other" development company is done!... you know who I am talking about!
^... Sales office told me they are still selling quite strong and have yet to open to general public. They estimate they will sell the 70% they need to start construction by spring 09. But with slowing sales and 1100 units, I think it will take longer. It's a great looking building and currently my favourite project in the Village.
It is a VERY nice project, and the 3 towers kind of plays off of the "Vibe/Battery Park/Zip" making liberty village more cohesive. it looks like there is a lot of brick work, which works with the other buildings in the area too.

The project is definitly a winner, They did a really good job on it.

Nice to see they have done a little bit of work on the site prep, they are serious about actaully doing work!

I hope they make the roads around King West Life wider then the other buildings in the area!!.... right now liberty village is a "tight fit" with all the cars and narrow roads and people walking everywhere.
Thanks for the pictures...

Thanks for the excellent pics CGM!!

One interesting thing you mentioned in your subsequent post is that they are waiting on 70% sold to begin construction. I was conveyed different information when I inquired about the liberty towers / bliss delays. I told the sales person that I was worried about delays for king west life and she mentioned that Plazacorp was not dependent on financing from the sale of units thus they would essentially be starting construction right away.

Keep in mind i'm new to the Condo scene so I took it at face value. Whats the real story behind the start of construction?

^... Interesting... It's a pretty big project, so I doubt they wouldn't need financing... But then again they, they've started something... albeit small... so who knows
I was in the sales office for one of their previews and they are selling and building these buildings in phases. They mentioned they want to start construction ASAP, I am not sure how much of that I believe (I have purchased and been delayed in WHC), even if Plazacorp doesn't need financing it doesn't make sense to build something that you haven't sold since you will never get your money out ... with the credit markets these days, it's not really the best time to roll the dice like that as a builder.
^... Actually from what they've told me, it is NOT being built in phases.

I too can also confirm that I was told it would all be built together (not in phases) with a completion date for the whole building tentatively set at June 2011....
King West Life

Interchange42 - you have given your stamp of approval to WHC. Another Plazacorp new construction is King West Life ( What do you think of this buildings design? Does it show Plazacorp are now on the right track in your opinion?

