Other than GO and that pushing it, there will be no 905 systems going to Mount Dennis Hub. To costly to run a bus non stop to the hub and not enough riders to justify doing it in the first place. The idea is DOA.
GO might not even do it with their buses if Kitchener and UP trains are already frequently serving the station. We know that miway and BT is kind of out of reach for this hub and would of course go to kipling instead, and even then the LRT extension to renforth/pearson would kill that idea off immediately. YRT now has the subway extension to VMC so that is a definite no either

If anything, we could see a rerouting of go buses that go to yorkdale, head to mount dennis instead. The 33 bus would be the best example of that since its the off peak Kitchener train bus on weekdays
GO might not even do it with their buses if Kitchener and UP trains are already frequently serving the station. We know that miway and BT is kind of out of reach for this hub and would of course go to kipling instead, and even then the LRT extension to renforth/pearson would kill that idea off immediately. YRT now has the subway extension to VMC so that is a definite no either

If anything, we could see a rerouting of go buses that go to yorkdale, head to mount dennis instead. The 33 bus would be the best example of that since its the off peak Kitchener train bus on weekdays
Other than GO starting and stopping service at Mount Dennis, it will take riders on a longer trip to do what you see as well going to Union. Yorkdale/Subway is next to the 401 which is a quick off/on while a longer trip from the 401 to/from Mount Dennis by the way of Black Creek and traffic jams at Lawrence. Can't see any 905 systems going to Mount Dennis when they connect to a subway now.
Dec 16
Lot more up on site
Jack hammers hard at work around the stairs from the tunnel to TTC fare area. Hard to said what taking place from rebuilding the stairs to having a ramp replace the 6/8? steps that were there years ago. Small section of curb and sidewalk to be pour for the new walkway to/from the station since the current one will be remove come Jan 4th.

By the looks of things, the PPUDO building interior not finish and no idea about the elevator.

If the tunnel is not open on Jan 4th when miWay starts operating out of the new Hub, riders will have to use the north entrance to get to/from TTC station. There is an working elevator there to allow accessibility rider, walkers and stroller to/from TTC station as well. The walkway from the north entrance to TTC station 100% done including the plaza area for the PPUDO building, other than a small area waiting forming and concrete, but no effect on the movement of the public.

Unless something change between now and Jan 4th, TTC Kiss & Ride area will open as well about 150 parking spots on the west side of the new driveway to/from Dundas. Depending on the weather and EllisDon, the north parking lot could be open as well and this holds the bulk of the parking lot. Curbs pour and grading taking place before the asphalt can be lay and strip.

The interior for the elevators area on GO platform still needs to finish.

Every other LCD screen for miWay platform were being tested on both side of the terminal.

New bike storage bin are at the north front Hub entrance as well the standard bike shelter to the east.

No idea why there is a mesh screen in front of all the windows for the walkway bridge from the Hub to GO platform, other than protection for breaking windows.

Only a few more weeks to get shots of miWay buses going to/from Islington Terminal as it will be a thing from the past. Only route 26 will use Dundas and Bloor after the 4th that will follow the route out of Toronto the same way it came into Toronto. It will drop rider off at Islington before carrying on to Kipling and pick riders up on Islington and as it leaves Toronto. Setup to replace TTC 50 route that I recommend in the early 2000's and being pushed by Metrolinx.

No idea at this time what TTC time table is for tearing the existing Islington terminal down and move the existing TTC routes to the south platform currently being use by miWay nor building the new terminal and accessibility entrance.

Its also a good time to shots of miWay at the terminal as well the terminal itself as it will become a thing from the past.

Bulk of the photos pertaining to TTC parking lot are up on TTC catch all thread and my site along with other shots.

Since miWay 3 route will still be using Aukland, the current stops will remain, but not sure about the current southbound one. The current southbound was place there since the #3 bus had to make a left turn on to Dundas and it will make a right turn now. The current stop could be move to TTC stop at Dundas. I expect the same people who get off/on at the Dundas stops will continue to do so as it will still be a faster access to/from TTC than using the Hub.















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Why would one of the monitors show the Windows 10 login screen?
All the test (6) screen where showing Win 10 logo since X will be operating on that platform. Don't recall the GO Bus LCD screen showing Win 10 Logo when they were been test a month or so ago.
On January 4, 2021 to celebrate the grand opening of this terminal I hope there will be a promotion of some sort such as free rides originating at Kipling or maybe even free Tim Hortons coffee and donuts lol!

If they did nothing by saying due to Covid-19 pandemic it did not want to encourage social gatherings at Kipling etc I think that would be a poor excuse! I think you can promote a grand opening without encouraging massive crowds!
On January 4, 2021 to celebrate the grand opening of this terminal I hope there will be a promotion of some sort such as free rides originating at Kipling or maybe even free Tim Hortons coffee and donuts lol!

If they did nothing by saying due to Covid-19 pandemic it did not want to encourage social gatherings at Kipling etc I think that would be a poor excuse! I think you can promote a grand opening without encouraging massive crowds!

The new terminal is the greatest celebration for users - I am not sure why we need anything more - especially to a party no-one should come during these times. The fewer non-essential bodies there - the better.

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Other than GO starting and stopping service at Mount Dennis, it will take riders on a longer trip to do what you see as well going to Union. Yorkdale/Subway is next to the 401 which is a quick off/on while a longer trip from the 401 to/from Mount Dennis by the way of Black Creek and traffic jams at Lawrence. Can't see any 905 systems going to Mount Dennis when they connect to a subway now.
The thing is, the hub would (hopefully) be open in 2022. Kitchener’s RER is not expect until 1-5 years after that (2023-2027 as a loose time period). The 33 bus could go to mount dennis for the time being, connecting to the corridor and since the UP express is part of it, the transfer could already be easy with a guaranteed 15 minute or less wait. Hopefully some co fare agreement could happen. This would also help guelph, halton or brampton travelers connect to the crosstown/midtown toronto much more easier obviously. As for the previously mentioned places to yorkdale or york mills travelers, they could just use the 36, now restructured and rescheduled (like a train-bus meet, but its a bus-bus meet lol), to always go to Brampton GO instead of having it only go there on the weekends and all other times at bcc.
Other than GO starting and stopping service at Mount Dennis, it will take riders on a longer trip to do what you see as well going to Union. Yorkdale/Subway is next to the 401 which is a quick off/on while a longer trip from the 401 to/from Mount Dennis by the way of Black Creek and traffic jams at Lawrence. Can't see any 905 systems going to Mount Dennis when they connect to a subway now.

There is room along Black Creek Drive to add HOV/bus lanes, as well as bicycle and pedestrian paths.

On the southbound Black Creek Drive at Lawrence Avenue, they could also create TWO left turn lanes (southbound Black Creek Drive to eastbound Lawrence Avenue West).
Dec 28
Lot more up on site

After being out of town for a week, had to take a look at the area to see what was or not ready for Jan 4 of shifting miWay from Islington to Kipling as well TTC opening up the new parking lot.

See no notice on TTC sight about the opening of the new parking lot, but it ready other than cleaning up and moving things. The road to Dundas is pave and strip with bike lanes on both sides as well sidewalks.

The north parking lot that wasn't pave the last time I saw it, is now pave and strip.

Looks like the interior of the PPUDO is also done, but not the elevator going out on the limb. miWay riders will have to use the surface route until the tunnel is finish. There are signs on the sidewalk with an arrow pointing toward the main entrance to the new hub.

The new sidewalk on Aukland to TTC entrance is complete and walkers will be using it on Jan 4 in place of the current sidewalk. What I notice by the entrance that either a change has taken place for the section of sidewalk that was partly form or it will be done later, but it fill in with dirt now. This makes the walkway narrow at the entrance and most likely a pinch point. They may have put this area off until the new retaining wall for the driveway is built.

miWay route 26 will drop off rider at Islington on Jan 4 like they do today, pickup riders on Bloor St like to day and then non stop to Kipling. It will then travel back to Islington and drop off/pickup at Green Lanes in front of the Beer Store on Bloor as well as TTC stop. It will do the same thing on Islington Ave at Aberfoyle Cr and then follow the same route as it came into Toronto. The section between Islington and Kipling on Burnhamthrope will be new going west with the remainder being the same as today.

Didn't check miWay route 3 if the stop at Dundas coming in will remain as is or be moved down to Dundas at TTC stop. It should be move down to TTC stop since the bus will be turning right in place of the current left to get to the Hub. The outbound stop will remain as is.

Don't know if they plan on keeping the stop light as well the street sign for the pave over Subway Cr.

Even when it opens on Jan 4, it will be most likely late spring when the whole site is completed with landscaping.









Pinch Point



Current sidewalk to be close off on Jan 4




Looking at the websites about the Kipling opening, I can see that the new MiWay terminal is well connected to the GO platforms. But I'm a bit puzzled on how people get from the subway to the MiWay terminal, without going outside, along the GO platform.

Is there a tunnel somewhere that I've not seen a picture of?
Looking at the websites about the Kipling opening, I can see that the new MiWay terminal is well connected to the GO platforms. But I'm a bit puzzled on how people get from the subway to the MiWay terminal, without going outside, along the GO platform.

Is there a tunnel somewhere that I've not seen a picture of?

Yes, there's a tunnel that runs to the terminal. If you remember how the station was originally laid out with the tunnel and stairs up to the old Kiss n Ride, that tunnel got extended.
Looking at the websites about the Kipling opening, I can see that the new MiWay terminal is well connected to the GO platforms. But I'm a bit puzzled on how people get from the subway to the MiWay terminal, without going outside, along the GO platform.

Is there a tunnel somewhere that I've not seen a picture of?
You need to look way back this year in this thread and you will see the tunnel being built from the Hub to TTC PPUDO location that connected with TTC tunnel to both TTC fare area as well the stairs on the north side of the old Subway Cr.

The GO platform as far as I know is close during the day and on the weekend.

TTC PPUDO area is now a plaza area with GO style Kiss & Ride area on the north side of it that gives a surface walkway from TTC to the Hub main entrance to both GO platform and the main Hub. 2 elevators in the main entrance that takes you up to the walkway to GO platform or down to the tunnel under the HUB driveway. There is 2 elevators in the Hub that will work like the main entrance. There is 2 elevators for GO platform as well and a smart thing going with 2 elevators in place of the normal one.

Going from memory, I believe there was 6 steps from the tunnel to TTC fare area, not the normal 10 plus. It could be less. No idea what work is taking place in the tunnel at this time and hoping they put a ramp in, in place of the stair.

Here is a photo of the Hub tunnel nearing TTC existing tunnel from Subway Cr. I believe the forming on the south side of the Hub tunnel is for the stair and elevator that is in the PPUDO building.
Yes, there's a tunnel that runs to the terminal. If you remember how the station was originally laid out with the tunnel and stairs up to the old Kiss n Ride, that tunnel got extended.
Oh, I see. The current airphoto in Google Maps (which is oddly much newer than anything in Google Earth) shows the tunnel open. I've drawn a red line over the alignment of the old and new tunnels. Gosh, probably just as quick to walk down the GO platform to the new bridge.

Not sure if there was that much value using the old tunnel, given the distances. Is there some kind of other new tunnel/structure heading north from that old Kiss and Ride? Might be a useful place to put an entrance closer to Dundas?

Though on a cold wet day, jumping off the eastbound buses at Poplar/Subway Crescent and walking down to the new GO entrance. But perhaps there won't be any more services now that don't stop at Kipling that would necessitate that in heavy traffic.

