I hope no one had issues getting to/from either of the terminal as it was confusion all around and I was expecting it.

Even though Mississauga had staff and personnel on site, the lack of signage was number 1 including signs for bus location. Have no idea on the number of people I had to help to get where they wanted to go in the first place for both location. Those coming from TTC let alone the Hub where not aware of the tunnel to the point riders where going up to the GO walkway and then told to go down in the elevator to the tunnel.

Biggest complain was that the tunnel was too long and it needed a moving sidewalk and benches. The people mover was also requested, but not going to happen as well too costly. There was a shuttle bus sitting at one of GO platforms, but no one on it.

Have to recheck the time from getting off the bus to the subway platform again and after the tunnel is finish, but looks like a 7 minute walk for me and 2 minute more than I thought it would be. Time saving from Kipling vs Islington is one minute less bus wise and about 3.5 minute to Islington. Factoring in the walking time and bus saving time, need to add an extra 5 minutes to my trip both ways and a weak point for using transit.

Talking to a number of Mississauga staff I know, they agree with my assessment and recommendations that I will be sending them to the big boy tonight and they will note them as well along with a list of things themselves.

I saw someone use the PPUDO elevators, but didn't check it out. One of the elevators needs it door adjusted as it squeal opening and closing.

A number of Opp's has happen to the point the floor in the Hub floor will have to be chip out to get the Presto system machines' in. A number of things unseen from the public as well have to be fix.

Its hope to have the tunnel finish by month end with a wait and see date. As I hope and expected, the stairs to TTC fare area will become a ramp. There are other work taking place there as well and don't expect the Jan date to happen.

The bus LCD screen show not only when the next bus will be at it for X route, but the next 6 or so depending on the route. Most bays seeing only one route.

A few routes need to change platforms for 60' buses as they have a issue for buses looping at the end, especially Route 1. Buses have to not only get around the 60' overhanging the platform for Route 1, but to make the left turn out of the terminal. Buses are further impact if something is park on the east side of the street or both side. Broken down waste truck was causing all kinds of problems for in/outbound buses including the ones I was on.

Talking to folks from GO Transit about service to the Hub, they said there is no service plan on servicing the Hub at this time or in the near future as well what route may service it. I will leave this to others since it not my area nor do I follow it.

As a note, you get a good view of the old Obico area as well Canpa Subdivision tracks from the south end of the GO walkway
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Exciting to start off 2021 with more major transit progress! Today the new Kipling Bus Terminal in Toronto's West opened! Connecting Mississauga buses to the TTC Subway!

Thank you for that excellent overview!

I had no idea the walk/distance from the subway would be that long. Not surprised it's the biggest issue for riders, as @drum118 pointed out.

Say what you will about Islington but the transfer was relatively fast. Hard to believe there wasn't a better solution available.

Hopefully we can actually learn from this and implement efficient transfers in upcoming projects.
Looks like Pioneer Village Station (Line 2 and YRT), Spadina Station (Line 1 and Line 2), Main Station (Line 2 and GO Danforth Station), and Kipling Station (Line 2 and MiWay) are all in need of people movers. (Will likely need environmental assessments, which will reject them of course.)
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Usual miway and BT traveller here. Here’s a review on the new Kipling hub. The hub itself is great. I feel like buses have more room to get around and it’s a way more better ‘get in and get out of the city’ than Islington ever was. I took the 11 from westwood coming down, and the way that we got into the terminal was so immediate and right to the point. Later on throughout the day, I came back up using the Milton line and the 109 to renforth as a little adventure detour, and I was amazed at how we hit the 427 so fast (like in about 5 minutes). This definitely saves 7-15 minutes doing this from Islington. The spacious design and the skywalk to the GO train platforms are a sight to see as well.

But of course, here comes the bad. The tunnel.Basically what everyone else is saying, this feels a lot longer than Spadina and Union’s general passage from either end of the services. We don’t need this, and what makes it worse is the feeling of the outside main doors to the subway, to the hub terminal just feels like its in front of you, although that could be the fact that you tend to be distracted by the view, but it still feels better than hitting a long, never ending feeling tunnel. They should have installed a moving walkway like how you would see at Pearson Airport, but considering that Miway hates the airport (letting only the 7 go there, that should be enough to tell you how much they care), I digress.

Accessibility needs are hit especially hard by this as you need to take 3 ELEVATORS(!), to get from either end to the other. This also leads into transfer time between the TTC and Miway, no matter if you need to take a local bus or subway, there will always need to be a guaranteed 10 minute transfer between the 2 agencies, or else there’s trouble, but TTC, and some Miway routes are actually good at this anyways.

Overall, this is a great hub for Miway (and later on GO buses), but needs a way better transfer to both the TTC and for Accessibility needs as well. This setup is a good 7/10, but is missing a lot of things to make it anywhere near even in the great tier
Have to recheck the time from getting off the bus to the subway platform again and after the tunnel is finish, but looks like a 7 minute walk for me and 2 minute more than I thought it would be.
Gosh, that might be longer than Main Street station to Danforth GO (westbound). It's only 4 minutes door to door (GO platform 1). I haven't timed it from the subway platform though ... but I don't think it's 3 minutes from the bottom of the escalator to the front door.

Bizarre that Metrolinx is creating new massive walking connections in this day and age. I thought this compartmentalization was ending.
The location new MiWay/GO Kipling bus terminal is the direct result of Hydro One's fear of having any piece of infrastructure located directly under their lines, as well as the pour planning of the city and Metrolinx (albeit Metrolinx as we know it didn't exist back in those days).

The city and province identified the need for the terminal as early as 2006 (in my records, probably even earlier then that in general), and at that time their was still vacant land located directly north of the TTC bus terminal. They dragged their feet long enough on the issue, and Tridel snapped up the lands to build their condo complex. I always said that having the new terminal located there would have been better long term, but in the end what we're seeing is the best that could have been done given the situation.
The location new MiWay/GO Kipling bus terminal is the direct result of Hydro One's fear of having any piece of infrastructure located directly under their lines, as well as the pour planning of the city and Metrolinx (albeit Metrolinx as we know it didn't exist back in those days).

The city and province identified the need for the terminal as early as 2006 (in my records, probably even earlier then that in general), and at that time their was still vacant land located directly north of the TTC bus terminal. They dragged their feet long enough on the issue, and Tridel snapped up the lands to build their condo complex. I always said that having the new terminal located there would have been better long term, but in the end what we're seeing is the best that could have been done given the situation.
You are correct on Hydro One. If it wasn't for Hydro One, the walk would be haft of what it is now if the terminal was built where it was supposed to be in the first place.

As far as I know first hand, Kipling goes back as far as 2004 when the EA took place for Mississauga Transitway. I wrote an opposition to the Transitway based on the numbers as it was more on the line of an LRT than BRT. After the EA was done, numbers turn out to be for the whole system that would be mostly service by buses. Its possible that the new terminal was known back as far as the 90's. Before then, the RT was to be built from Kipling to Sq One, but Hazel didn't want it regardless it was going to be free to her and the city.

The Big Move in 2008 call for the Gateway Hub to be at Cloverdale and this would see the subway extended there. 2010 brought the Ford Boys to power that kill the idea of the subway going west since they wanted the line to go east first.

The Etobicoke ward councilor that sat on TTC commission and was also Vice Chair of TTC made no less 3 attempts to have the subway extended west and was shot down each time to the point he ran as an MPP to get the government to push the extension.

For me, best to get off the 3 bus on Aukland and walk to TTC faster than going to the Hub and walking back. If I want a seat going home, need to walk to the Hub once ridership gets to near normal or on days when the weather is poor.

Having the Gateway Hub in operation today would solve so many issues for everyone as well not having the folks across from TTC station bitching about the buses since they made the wrong choice moving there and not doing their homework as to what was around them before buying there.
Looks like Pioneer Village Station (Line 2 and YRT), Spadina Station (Line 1 and Line 2), Main Station (Line 2 and GO Danforth Station), and Kipling Station (Line 2 and MiWay) are all in need of people movers. (Will likely need environmental assessments, which will reject them of course.)
Why do you continuously talk about transferring from go transit to the TTC at main and Danforth as if it's some sort of problem? Do you have statistics that show that people actually do that?
The other advantage of the old terminal at Islington was not sitting on a crawling subway train waiting to get to Kipling. It’s usually bad during rush hours and often slow at other times.
Why do you continuously talk about transferring from go transit to the TTC at main and Danforth as if it's some sort of problem? Do you have statistics that show that people actually do that?
Every time I transfer from GO to Subway at Danforth, I find myself walking with a group of people. More often than not, I actually transfer to a westbound 506 at Gerrard, and that's a pretty solitary trip. But when there's no 506 coming, I instead walk to Main Station, and always find myself walking with a group of people.

Why do you think people don't transfer here? I certainly see eastbound GO to TTC movement all the time. And anecdotally I hear of people who start their journeys near Bloor Danforth heading out east, going to Main/Danforth to catch GO instead of to Union, as it's faster.
