If the shifting of the weather wall upward is any indication, the floor completion cycle time appears to be shortening by a couple of days. Looks like they are around 10-12 day cycle now.
The condo just behind it--the Backstage?--it's an odd place to build. I look forward to seeing how it shapes up.

I thought so too at first, though I'm looking forward to the finished result at street level... it will enclose that western end of the Esplanade very nicely and give the neighbourhood a "finished" feel.
Are they still working on the podium at all? The rendering shows a ROM like crystal at the base, but currently there is only the first angled part. Are they ending it just like that? I think it would be quite a shame to lose another architecturally interesting component, what with the loss of the boot already.
Another one from my cellphone


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Are they still working on the podium at all? The rendering shows a ROM like crystal at the base, but currently there is only the first angled part. Are they ending it just like that? I think it would be quite a shame to lose another architecturally interesting component, what with the loss of the boot already.

Good point, Gphorce. I noticed the same thing. I am also wondering where the other angled part is, where there is supposed to be a green wall, as shown in the revised renderings.
Are they still working on the podium at all? The rendering shows a ROM like crystal at the base, but currently there is only the first angled part. Are they ending it just like that? I think it would be quite a shame to lose another architecturally interesting component, what with the loss of the boot already.

Good point, Gphorce. I noticed the same thing. I am also wondering where the other angled part is, where there is supposed to be a green wall, as shown in the revised renderings.



Comparing the render with what they have built so far it looks to me as if we will still see some intersecting crystal. The openings on top and on north side seem to indicate where the "crystal" will intersect with the "green" part. To confirm I went to the Sales office and asked if their model (which looks the same as the render) is still correct. What they told me is that the construction will not be exactly the same but "similar", the reason being that they need some extra space for the Sony Centre restaurant with patio they want to build there. We will have to wait and see.


Plaza or Restaurant? ... that's the question.

By the way I also asked about the side panels they had planned to put around the Sony Centre stage building. I was told that this also is going to look different. The reason being a possible impact it would have on the acoustics of the Sony Centre.


L-Tower model still with elaborate side panels encapsulating the Sony Centre stage building.
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Thanks for the great pics caltrane74

I am so impressed with the way this L-Tower is being constructed. Not many non-commercial buildings are built this solid. My dad was a mason and would have done it the same way. Built to last. Tons of reinforced concrete. No toothpick walls here :)

The guys building this take pride in their work. They were here yesterday and will be here tomorrow. No fly-by-night operation.

Not one, not two, but three reputable developers and world renowned architect designer Daniel Libeskind, all have their reputations on the line.

It's the City of Toronto that cancelled the Arts Lab (the original Boot design) and then the recession hit. I am not worried about the final touches. I doubt it will be left in any appearance less than brilliant.

I can't wait. But will enjoy watching it go up.
I don't worry but I'm always a little concerned when highly anticipated projects like this are at this stage. Reputations be damned, look how the ROM Crystal turned out (Libeskind), a much more high profile project than L Tower.
To be fair, the "problem" with the ROM exterior isn't cheap exterior materials (considering they went to Josef Gartner in Germany) but the inconsistencies in the appearance of such.

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