All I know is that terms like "cheapening" and "torontized" cannot be found in the dictionary and are absolutely ridiculous terms since their definitions are based in unfounded and unknown ideas.

Of course they are not in the dictionary: they are terms that have been coined. I can only speak for The Cheapening™ since that one is mine: it refers to expectations that are created by renderings which are not met when the building is built. It most certainly does happen that some architectural details change as projects progress: costing is done, or value engineering, or whatever you want to call it, and some buildings are changed significantly enough that we end up disappointed by missing features, or what appear to be downgraded materials. It actually does not happen all that often, so it's not a term I apply to that many buildings. It seemed to occur more often when I joined UT several years ago.

"Cheapening" and "torontized" are perfectly cromulent neologisms for the purposes of this blog.
It has been stated a number of times in this thread and in front page articles that both of those mocked-up window sections are being used, but on "different parts of the building". That's what Sam Crignano told us when we interviewed him last summer.


thank you - I was about to state the same thing but its better that it comes from someone with authority.
I'm surprised the photo of the day hasn't been posted here.

I didn't realize how huge on an impact L tower is gonna have on front street!... WOW! mind blown.!

this one is gonna be fatter than i thought too (on the east/west sides)
I agree, they aren't really all that scientific and there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than just cheaping out on something often. As well, it is not a Toronto centric occurence, so the second term is even worse than the first.
Cladding as mentioned!!!


I noticed this morning that there was a row of cladding on the west side of the building.
today I saw cladding on the north side. I thought it looked good. it'll be a blue building basically. different than everything around it. it should really stand out

Any further news on this project? Wasn't Liebskind supposed to be designing a tower here; has the design not been posted yet??
Surprised to see the weather barrier being shifted upwards this morning. They are getting closer to that I week per floor schedule that was discussed a few weeks ago. Will they reach that 4 day goal that was mentioned in a past interview. I still very much doubt it.
