Yes, it was a condo where the marketing campaign would be targeted overtly to the gay community.
Bought a unit yesterday

Was told that "L" is 80% sold out. Think they are holding some back for public.
I think the project was called Vivat.
Never heard so many numbers being thrown around. Its too bad you can't trust sales people at all. I assume 80% is probably the closest to the truth as holding back some units for later and raising the price on them makes sense.
I assumed that's why it didn't proceed - they couldn't figure out how to do it without violationg the Human Rights Code and furthermore, no buyer, straight or gay, would want to limit the resale options.
Perhaps if the condo was set up as a business that offered housing to its staff they could "employ" the gay condo buyers and pass it off as employment equity hiring? I wouldn't be surprised if there was some obscure loophole in the bizarro Code that positively encouraged such a thing.

Also, how would the developers know if potential buyers were really gay? Did they propose asking them to display their bona fides or swear a loyalty oath before a justice of the peace?
I assumed that's why it didn't proceed - they couldn't figure out how to do it without violationg the Human Rights Code and furthermore, no buyer, straight or gay, would want to limit the resale options.

Actually it wouldn't break any laws to market a condo to the gay community.

As for how they would do it, I imagine they would be very up front about it. Why not? The only risk involved is that straight buyers might not want in, in which case they would have to depend exclusively on a gay market for their product. Even if there are a lot of gay buyers, they would still be competing for their business with other 'regular' developments.
Exactly. You can market to anyone you want. It's just if you refuse to sell to people who aren't in your demographic that it becomes illegal.
