Petition Please

AHA Centre is toast - from the City of Toronto Executive Committee:

Diagrams of the "Public Plaza Option"


Wow - I can't believe it. I am infuriated! How can they just change things when we've invested our hard earned dollars, have been waiting patiently for the promise of parking to materialize, and now get slapped with a project re-design and a dilution of our unit value with an additional 60-70 unit supply coming on the market.

Surely we should have some say, as buyers?? Lets put our heads together and determine a solution here. Is the plaza option decided on, or is this one of many ideas being considered?

Can we rally up a petition... any interest?
Just re-reading the PDF file.....this whole thing stinks...

Castlepoint gets to build an extra 60,000 sq. ft. of residential space to sell to the public, i.e. 60 or 70 additional condos...

The city gets extortion, er, a payment of $4 million dollars...

Castlepoint pays the $1 million it costs to build the "plaza"...

The Libeskind podium is destroyed...

What an absolute travesty! I hope Studio Libeskind sues these idiots

Imagine. $1 million poneyed up by the builder to build the plaza.
What a joke!
Most any upscale home in this city has more invested in the backyard.

This is such absolute BULL****!
When I bought I definitely invested in an L tower not an I tower. This was suppose to be a landmark building for Toronto which was one of the most attractive points for me as an investor. I wonder what the newly available units will sell for....?
Why not get everyone to sign a petition if everyone dislikes this move so much? Would that not be the only chance we have to change the outcome. (I agree the original was much better then the revised edition) Would that have any chance of changing the effect of this, or perhaps going to the city planning meetings? Or is this the final say?

All I see is some multi-coloured drawing. No new renderings have been released, and no where does it say this project is now doomed to be a failure. It could turn out still to be very nice
It could turn out still to be very nice

^That's not the point. It's not like they're modifying a standard box building to a slightly different box building. This project was only interesting and worth the investment and excitement because of the Libeskind design.

What if it was decided that the Chicago Spire actually wasn't going to be like the original design and was instead just going to be a tall round building. Would that be acceptable?
here's a rough idea, compliments of marcanadian over at SSC....lovely!



well, you get the idea......
^That's not the point. It's not like they're modifying a standard box building to a slightly different box building. This project was only interesting and worth the investment and excitement because of the Libeskind design.

What if it was decided that the Chicago Spire actually wasn't going to be like the original design and was instead just going to be a tall round building. Would that be acceptable?

While I suspect more buyers of this project did buy because of the design than your average project, I'm sure their is still a large chunk of buyers who bought for other reasons. Not everyone cares about design like those of us on this board. All I am saying, is that this may still be a nice project, maybe just not in the same way we all originally hoped for.
^Other reasons.... such as....? Location?

Do you really think anyone who RUSHED to buy a unit at the L Tower didn't have the fact that it was a unique one-of-a-kind building at the #1 position on their list of reasons for buying? They could have bought at London or any other tower going up around Air Canada Centre.
^Other reasons.... such as....? Location?

Do you really think anyone who RUSHED to buy a unit at the L Tower didn't have the fact that it was a unique one-of-a-kind building at the #1 position on their list of reasons for buying? They could have bought at London or any other tower going up around Air Canada Centre.

Other reason would be specuvestors bought because as someone mentioned that they were priced below market at the time of sale.

I don't know why they can't keep the original L's-base and turn it from commercial to residential units? They could have the bottom two levels built as an open public space with columns cantilevering 5 additional levels of condos (maybe another 60 units ???) :p
I don't know why they can't keep the original L's-base and turn it from commercial to residential units? They could have the bottom two levels built as an open public space with columns cantilevering 5 additional levels of condos (maybe another 60 units ???) :p

That's exactly what I was thinking as I was reading the latest on this depressing thread. Surely this area could support a level of retail and the base of the building could be redesigned for condos, essentially keeping the design intact.
Well, if the units turn out anything like the interior of the new ROM building, you will barely fit any of your regular furniture in the condo in the first place. I guess that is fine though, because Libeskind is going to be designing angular furniture to fit more seamlessly into his buildings and I believe it will be a prerequisite in order to move in. To live in a Libeskind building is to live like Libeskind!

On another note, I wasn't sure that this was going to take off anyways- after the ROM, Gardiner, AGO etc., I thought the chance of getting superbuild funds, or something similar was going to be a highly unlikely. Nonetheless, they were pitching it as a pretty sure thing, but obviously there just isn't the money, nor interest..Am I wrong?

what a way to start doom + gloom rumours :rolleyes: ... well with any luck some variation of the L Tower will be built given the sales success achieved

Enough with the 'rumours' nonsense, this isn't highschool. I never liked the original podium as I thought it was unsympathetic, indeed obnoxious, to an important heritage building (O'Keefe Centre), but the hackneyed aborting of it looks even worse. You cannot just lop off parts of a design and expect what remains to many any sense. I realize that some around here get excited by any old building on the rise, as long as it's tall, but this is a unique site and a unique opportunity that in typical Toronto fashion is seriously at risk of being botched up. Lets leave well enough alone and wait for more favourable times for major sites like this.
I like the idea of a plaza/square to be honest. However, I agree with most that the building just looks funny now. I don't know how they would reconcile the two, but the idea of a square at Yonge and Front is pretty intriguing if done right.
