I want to give Mojo a chance to start with that question again. If he has a serious question, he can try to dig it out and start again.

In regards to the subsequent posts, they just refer to stuff I've deleted and leaving them would clutter up the thread more. The deletes will likely be removed from the thread soon, and it will all be cleaned up.


So this is a totalitarian forum?
So this is a totalitarian forum?

From the rules that you agreed to when you joined this forum: "The owners of Urban Toronto reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason."

So, in answer to your question... yes.
So this is a totalitarian forum?

From interchange42's reply to my final comment I think the answer to your question should be evident.

You don't see me complaining ... much. Suck it up or leave :eek:

As much as it irks me when seemingly valid posts are deleted I can understand where interchange42, cut him some slack!

interchange42, actually your probably going to delete this too aren't you :)

That's a pretty thoughtless question. I've never seen a democratic forum with annual elections for mods, a constitution and the like. A forum is someone's property.

The democratic forum would be interesting, though taxation would probably be necessary to keep it running.
^^LOL, now back to the L tower, which looks much less interesting now, but none the less....
I guess something is going to be happening soon. If we can see the Ice Towers, L Tower, 1 Bloor and Aura go up, I would be happy.
I guess something is going to be happening soon. If we can see the Ice Towers, L Tower, 1 Bloor and Aura go up, I would be happy.

That would be wonderful :)
4 excavations,333 stories,3800 units
In todays economic times that would be considered a boom in many other cities.

I can see L Tower + Aura ready to go, but it may be a too pre-mature conclusion for 1BE and ICE
I can see L Tower + Aura ready to go, but it may be a too pre-mature conclusion for 1BE and ICE

At the risk of being accused if idle speculation, I tend to agree with Solaris.
! Bloor gives me the Heebie Jeebies.
Something here is just not right.
I have a bad feeling 1 Bloor may look just the way it looks now in a couple of years, with the exception of a little wild vegetation growing and a couple of sheep grazing.
At the risk of being accused if idle speculation, I tend to agree with Solaris.
! Bloor gives me the Heebie Jeebies.
Something here is just not right.
I have a bad feeling 1 Bloor may look just the way it looks now in a couple of years, with the exception of a little wild vegetation growing and a couple of sheep grazing.

Well, the sheep would be very Kazahk...

No more tumbleweeds at the Sony Centre though: let's see some ground broken for the L Tower.

That would be wonderful
4 excavations,333 stories,3800 units
In todays economic times that would be considered a boom in many other cities.

They are yesterday's projects though.
