just curious, is it still called the "L" tower even after they remove the podium section which made it look more like an "L"?
it'll still be an L, but it'll be on the south side instead of the west side as it was originally proposed.
Has anyone heard anything about this project lately? As a purchaser, I went to the sales office (in a new location) to see what the status was a few months ago when I heard about the loss of the 'toe'. When I asked if purchasers were going to be advised about the change in the building appearance, they said they would look into it, and when I asked whether there would be an opportunity to back out given this seemed a material change, they said no. They actually tried to sell me another unit, in the section that was originally going to be the cultural centre, and they said that the project was still going forward, but had no information about schedules. A week or two later I did receive a package from them with a revised rendering of the building and materials asking if I wanted to buy a new unit. I found this all to be kind of irritating as I just want information about if there are any delays and what their new schedule is, but they just keep trying to upsell me a new unit. Does anyone here have any better information? I'm pretty resigned to them not building it for years now, but perhaps it will be for the best as hopefully the economy will have picked up by then.
I'd like to see it turn into the ! tower. That could be achieved by way of the appropriate cladding, or by waiting for useful anti-gravity technology to support the larger upper portion. There would still be the problem of elevators, though.
I'm not convinced that a levitating building will fly in this economy. Better build the L Tower first.

it'll still be an L, but it'll be on the south side instead of the west side as it was originally proposed.

Here are some of the new base renderings posted on another forum



I kind of like the change, the intersection looks more people friendly and blends in well with the Hummingbird Centre.As much as i liked the boot i think it would have looked bulky and awkward over this heritage centre. This is a much better fit.
i like that sliced off corner on the southwest side. feels like it could topple over any minute.

and i also like that it doesn't impose on the sony centre that much any more. the difference is clear when comparing it to the previous rendering.

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I do like it better, but I miss that circular part. That was a really interesting part of the design.
This looks like such a mess to me. I didn't like the original design because it was completely obnoxious to the O'Keefe (hello, a boot stepping on the damn thing?!), and the new iteration seems to be a classic example of design by committee as if trying desperately to make the original tower design work at any cost (a little Libeskind crystal here, a little hedging there and voila!). Nonesense. I hope this L or I or whatever damn letter it is now sinks.
Yes, the new rendering looks like a bit of a mishmash...the original was much better imo, the toe of the boot was the best part....

But I don't want to see this, or any other tower, "sink"....:)
Has anyone heard anything about this project lately? As a purchaser, I went to the sales office (in a new location) to see what the status was a few months ago when I heard about the loss of the 'toe'. When I asked if purchasers were going to be advised about the change in the building appearance, they said they would look into it, and when I asked whether there would be an opportunity to back out given this seemed a material change, they said no. They actually tried to sell me another unit, in the section that was originally going to be the cultural centre, and they said that the project was still going forward, but had no information about schedules. A week or two later I did receive a package from them with a revised rendering of the building and materials asking if I wanted to buy a new unit. I found this all to be kind of irritating as I just want information about if there are any delays and what their new schedule is, but they just keep trying to upsell me a new unit. Does anyone here have any better information? I'm pretty resigned to them not building it for years now, but perhaps it will be for the best as hopefully the economy will have picked up by then.

riley ... thank you for the information

its unfortunate to hear you are among the purchasers caught up in the L Tower delay, but with respect to your 'rights' to back out of the deal since there was a material change (eeeeeh hello Castlepoint !! the building design changed substantially and now there's more residential units??), I would not take the sales rep's words as final, get a opinion from your real estate lawyer ... protect yourself

worst case scenario, given the number of delays already on the L Tower, the builder may end up having to let deals cancel after they use up the two (2) allowed extension dates
I don't understand why they couldn't have built it as first proposed and just have turned the boot into retail, offices or condos? I much prefer the boot and it's curves. If I had bought here, I would be fuming mad right now and would take legal action to get out of my purchase.
I think most L tower purchasers looked at a helluva lot more "value" issues (when deciding to purchase here) than an artist's impression/render that included a proposed public component (now amputated).

The toe had nothing to with the residential condominium ... besides being attached to the building... realistically, the revised tower sans toe offends those of us in the peanut gallery more than it would any future owners.

I suspect they would remain concerned about issues such as when will construction begin, will the finishes of their suite live up to the promise... and will the value of their purchase survive these challenges to the local market.
