I have a feeling this one will have no problem selling. Have we ever had a celeb architect design a condo in TO before? Can't think of an instance...since Robert Stern doesn't count.

I suppose we'll never have an instance by your logic. They don't come much bigger than Stern sorry to say...
Libeskind is better known than Stern now. He has not been around as long, but his buildings (and plans for the WTC in NY) have garnered a lot more attention as of late.

Stern is really only famous for his aping of historical styles, so it's only really the design community that knows much about him.

I don't see that about to change, either. People (who don't know already) will be more likely to wonder who designed the ROM addition, whereas Stern's tower on Charles is not likely is ellicit a tenth of the interest. The L Tower, should it be built, will keep attention focused on Libeskind.

Oh, Stern is certainly a big deal...but mostly for people who have taken ARCH101 or its equivalent--for the layperson Libeskind gets it done.

Far be it from a Yalie to impugn Robert Stern, anyway.
Stern's more celebrated for his books than for his buildings.
That new building going up at Charles and St. Thomas, and a couple of private houses.

But generally he's done institutional work for the University of Virginia, the Brooklyn Law School, he was Dean at Yale, he did the master plan for Celebration in Florida, he did a Dream House for Life Magazine back in the 1990s when Life did an annual series of having a major architect design a house that could be adapted for various locations and built relatively inexpensively with the architectural drawings ordered through the magazine, he's written a lot of books, he did a PBS series on architecture, he's done museums, hotels, office buildings, the usual line of products for Swid Powell, you name it. He's very sucessful.
And he's definitely a brand name in New York's luxury residential market -- he delivers faux with an academic pedigree.
But remember, too, that he's no doctrinaire reactionary when it comes to judging (as opposed to designing) architecture--he can defend modern monuments with the best of them (and hey, he did start his academic career studying Howe & Lescaze).
I saw my contact from the Hummingbird tonight...apparently, the hoarding at the west face of Hummingbird (Yonge) is indeed for the condo sales office - currently under construction...
classy ad in the new Condo Guide, pages 120-121..."Coming Soon...A Global Landmark designed by Daniel Libeskind"....a colourful stylized 'L' on an all-white background...nice touch

They've clearcut my mulberry trees.

Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got 'till it's gone?
They paved paradise and put up a condo sales office ...
I was saddened to hear that -- back in the day, I occasionally would pick and eat a few mulberrys from those trees (I owned a condo across the street from them at the time).

Still, I am not surprised to hear that they were cut down, given the plans for the L Tower.

