Feb 16





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yup... the slant.. it's happening :D
this one's gonna be way more eye catching than the Ritz that's for sure. although the Ritz design is a lot sleeker and sharper.
how many more floors until the floorplate is at its largest and the building starts tapering off to a point?
The slabs that are thicker; are thicker, because they are transfer slabs.

No doubt. It cannot be a coincidence that the thick slabs reach to the floor where the cut-out "vee" reaches its apex, with only thin slabs above that.
how many more floors until the floorplate is at its largest and the building starts tapering off to a point?

I wondered about this myself.
I stared at their model in the window one day. I seem to remember counting up to about 43 at which point the floors started curving dramaticly inwards. I could be off a floor or two though.
Great shots. Thanks for those.

Looks like Backstage will be getting started soon as well. I keep on forgetting about that one.
This thing is going up fast! Too fast? ;)

Seriosuly though, it's a very exciting time for Toronto.
Anyone know why they've stopped putting up the windows? the thick strip along the edge on the north side is intriguing. can't wait to see what this will look like. totally original.

Great shots. Thanks for those.

Looks like Backstage will be getting started soon as well. I keep on forgetting about that one.
Any chance all the digging they're doing in front of Union station will help get rid of that ever present sewer stink from the north-western corner of the Sony centre? I'm assuming sewer work is part of what they're doing there. I'd hate for that smell to be associated with such a nice building.

Any chance all the digging they're doing in front of Union station will help get rid of that ever present sewer stink from the north-western corner of the Sony centre? I'm assuming sewer work is part of what they're doing there. I'd hate for that smell to be associated with such a nice building.

Yonge and Front just wouldn't be the same if they got rid of that sewer smell on the corner. It remember when it was just as fragrant on that corner before the Okeefe was built.
..no exaggeration.
Might as well get over it. After all this time its bound to be declared as part of our city heritage one day.
Any chance all the digging they're doing in front of Union station will help get rid of that ever present sewer stink from the north-western corner of the Sony centre? I'm assuming sewer work is part of what they're doing there. I'd hate for that smell to be associated with such a nice building.

They completed the sewer construction already I believe.
Any guesses when they'll repave Front Street East? It's the worst street in Toronto. Worse even than lower Dufferin.
