Awesome. North east is a nice angle for T.O. Just wait for Bay-Adelaide phases 2 +3, plus whatcha'm'call it down on Wellington, just west of Church.
Epic shots, someMidTowner! :D
Yes seconded, great shots! The cladding here is growing on me, I think it will turn out beautifully. Not sure why but right now I get an industrial feel from parts of it, but maybe thats because its still under construction...hmm
Thanks yyzer, mckarisma and caltrane :D

I was about to reply a few hours ago, then UT went down for upgrades. 300 refreshes later I can say thanks :p
This morning:



I'm pretty sure this fountain was designed to look like it is giving you the finger, no matter which side you approach it from.

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Awesome. North east is a nice angle for T.O. Just wait for Bay-Adelaide phases 2 +3, plus whatcha'm'call it down on Wellington, just west of Church.

don't forget 88 Scott and Massey tower!

we should be about topped off by now no? or maybe one more residential floor to go?

can't wait to see the roof (well.. technically this tower doesn't have a "roof"), but ya, the slope thing.... I presume it will be constructed out of steel like the Ritz. someone please correct me if i'm wrong on that one,
we should be about topped off by now no? or maybe one more residential floor to go?

They are pouring 59-60 now so I think they are working on the mechanical penthouse floors.

well.. technically this tower doesn't have a "roof"

We never know, there might end up being a very narrow roof. Lets all hope that the peak is razor sharp and not compromised by window cleaning gear or anything of the like...
