
I'll confirm that we were also told what SkyJacked has said: 57 and 58 were sold as one unit.

Thank you for confirmation 42. Did they also give you an idea for how much it sold, or (even better), who the buyer is? At One57 in NewYork City a similar two storey duplex penthouse with 11,000 sqft on floors 89/90 sold for $95 million (a NYC record). Toronto is not New York City and the truly amazing view from L-Tower we get to see thanks to SkyJacked tweets might actually be not as spectacular as the view from One57 (follow this link and then click on the Above and Beyond picture to see a 360 degree interactive panorama view), but still this penthouse ought to be the most expensive that has ever sold in Toronto. I would guess it's worth at least $20 million.
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Toronto Harbour

Penthouse view stitched from 7 images taken by SkyJacked yesterday:

To zoom in, click on image and be taken to GigaPan. Best viewed in full screen mode.
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does anyone miss the boot? Considering how good this thing turned out I am missing it more and more.

Of course but I try not to think about what could have been and am just glad the tower turned out so well. I remember when the blue cladding first appeared, lots of people around here were predicting disaster but you don't hear from many of those critics today. Where did they all go? lol I think that blue cladding worked out beautifully.
I was one of those critics, but am happy to concede that the cladding worked out wonderfully...

/the boot would have been amazing, and that stretch along Yonge St. would have been incredible...still, it turned out pretty good, didn't it...

//time for another Libeskind in T.O.?
I'll confirm that we were also told what SkyJacked has said: 57 and 58 were sold as one unit.

It was definitely a fun trip to the tip top of the L Tower, and while we didn't exactly get to meet SkyJacked, we waved at least (although I don't see those particular shots above!). You'll see pics by sMT and I next week (unless you already caught some of the tweets, and if you didn't, why didn't you?! Twitter is a fantastic time-waster!). Cheers all, and Happy Easter, Passover, or Long Weekend!


I second those good Cheers!
Well, you couldn't stand around waving all day and I didn't get the good shot. :) I also have a picture of you tweeting but I dont think that's much more than a chuckle.
It's too bad it was so overcast, not the best conditions for sMT magic. Still, I am very much looking forward to your report and sMT posts.


As for not meeting, I've never met anyone I know to be a member of UT so that's not out of the ordinary :)
Thank you for confirmation 42. Did they also give you an idea for how much it sold, or (even better), who the buyer is?

Sorry Udo, our tour guides did not know or were not telling!

Still, I am very much looking forward to your report and sMT posts.

There won't be any forum posting of these photos, but when the front page story goes up we will certainly get a link posted onto the forum!
It was really cool seeing the city from your (approximate) point of view and getting a feel for the project first hand. Also loving your shots of me and i42 wandering around up there, Thanks!!
I second those good Cheers!
Well, you couldn't stand around waving all day and I didn't get the good shot. :)
Looks perfectly good to me - thanks!

As for not meeting, I've never met anyone I know to be a member of UT so that's not out of the ordinary :)
Hmm, time we had another pub meet?!

does anyone miss the boot? Considering how good this thing turned out I am missing it more and more.

Yes. The base is horrible--especially the cheap plastic black and grey siding along The Esplanade and Scott St.
