scout the scout

L Tower looking good at night. Picture taken by Stephanie Scout on March 28:

That's beyond cool :cool: Thank you for your amazing photography, udo...I can only dream of taking photos like this!!!

Is this taken from Dubai? Honestly, someone I know mentioned how this project reminds them of something ugly built in Dubai and now I can't unsee it...
That's beyond cool :cool: Thank you for your amazing photography, udo...I can only dream of taking photos like this!!!

Not too difficult to achieve that kind of a look RiverCity... Just take 3 photos of the same scene (use a tripod) and underexpose one, properly expose one, and overexpose the third. Download HDR software like Photomatix, plug in the three pics and play with the sliders. Eazy peazy :)
Not too difficult to achieve that kind of a look RiverCity... Just take 3 photos of the same scene (use a tripod) and underexpose one, properly expose one, and overexpose the third. Download HDR software like Photomatix, plug in the three pics and play with the sliders. Eazy peazy :)

Or buy an iPhone and turn on the HDR feature. An easy (and fun) way to experiment. However not to take away from Udo's pics. Some really good talent there. Always a delight to look at.
Agreed on Udo's pics. But I wouldn't confuse an app that attempts to mimic the "look" of HDR with an image that actually has a wide dynamic range because of the HDR process (like Udo's pics).

Well you effectively confused me. I didn't realize the HDR on my iPhone was just app mimicry. I actually thought it took three different exposures. Just shows ya how little this old fart knows. I bow to your obviously superior technical expertise.
HDR discussion

First of all "thank you" to all who like my "Shades of Grey" picture and my apologies to those who don't like HDR photography. I know HDR is very controversial.

Now let me comment on the discussion between Granny and Bruvyman. To my knowledge, the iPhone' camera's HDR feature does actually take three pictures to combine them into an HDR image. This is the article I got that info from. My problem with the iPhone however is, that I can't hold it perfectly still while the 3 pictures are taken, making the merged HDR always seem a bit blurry. But if you have a steady hand, why not? The other disadvantage I see, is the lack of control the iPhone gives me (even though the article talks about features, settings and other apps I didn't even know about until now). I love Photomatix software and the sliders Bruvyman is pointing to. They can make and break an HDR. Photomatix also allows me to combine more than just 3 exposure bracketed photos. For the above image I actually took 7 pictures with my DSLR on a tripod. The tripod was not only necessary to make sure the pictures align, but also because of the low light after sunset when the pictures were taken. The longest exposure in this series was about 8 seconds long.
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Not too difficult to achieve that kind of a look RiverCity... Just take 3 photos of the same scene (use a tripod) and underexpose one, properly expose one, and overexpose the third. Download HDR software like Photomatix, plug in the three pics and play with the sliders. Eazy peazy :)

haha...i'm not sure if you are being sarcastic lol...but that doesn't sound easy :confused: likely because I don't have a tripod...or those other things...just an iphone :p but thank you, nonetheless
